Chapter 26

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Julian's POV

In the hospital

With a transfer form I had taken Brooke to the hospital, where she had been examined again and had assigned to her room. Because she had to stay in the hospital for a few days after the procedure, I had quickly driven home and had packed some of her things she needed during her stay there. I hadn't wanted to leave her alone for so long and then had gone straight back to her. The news that we were expecting twins had been just as shocking to her as it had been to me.

"Can you call Haley for me and tell her that Justin has to stay with her for a few more days?"

I nodded. "Yes, I'll call her. And then I'll tell her what the doctor told us, and that you still have to stay in the hospital."

"If that would be all there." She sighed softly and fumbled at her blanket. "Afterwards the stress will just begin. I really don't know how to handle everything if I have to stay put all the time!"

"I'll find someone to take care of you while I'm working," I promised, forcing a smile. She shouldn't think that I would leave her alone with all that. I would have to find a way to do a part of my work at home.

"I'm scared, Julian..."

I spontaneously hugged her when I saw her eyes fill with tears. "Everything will be fine this time," I promised, kissing her forehead. "If we do what the doctor told us, we will have two healthy babies in 7 months."

"7 months," Brooke muttered. "Do you know what it means to stay put for 7 months?"

No, of course I didn't know. But I also couldn't lose hope. Brooke needed my strength now, and suddenly an idea crossed my mind. "Do you think I can leave you alone for a while?" I asked.

"Sure." She frowned. "I know you can't stay all the time. And I think I'm in good hands here."

I kissed her one last time and walked to the door. "I just have to take care of something important. Then I'll come back," I promised and then left the hospital room. I went straight to the hotel where my mother was staying. When I entered her room she looked at me astonished.

"Julian! What a surprise, I wasn't expecting you. Didn't you have an appointment with Brooke at her gynecologist this afternoon?"

She looked at me with that questioning look and I took a deep breath. "We've been there," I said softly.

"Is everything all right with the baby?" She asked concerned.

"Babies," I corrected, forcing a smile. "Brooke and I are expecting twins."

"Oh my God! That's... Wow! I'm speechless!"

When she embraced me and hugged me, I had to smile. It was not often that my mother was lost for words. She was always the one who had the last word. "Hey, don't crush me!" I said with a grin and freed myself from her embrace.

"Sorry, but that's really incredible news. Does your father know?"

I shook my head. "No, I went straight to you to tell you. You are the first to know."

"How is Brooke?"

"Not so good," I admitted and then cleared my throat. "That's why I'm here. You said during our last conversation that you wanted to help us. Well, now I'm here to ask you for help."

"Of course. I'll do everything you want," she said eagerly.

"Brooke is in the hospital at the moment," I began hesitantly. "They are going to perform a procedure on her, called 'Cerclage'. This should prevent a premature birth. The only problem is that she is on strict bed rest the time afterwards." I paused and looked at my mother expectantly.

"Does that mean she has to lie in bed during her whole pregnancy?" She asked.

I nodded. "And the doctor said she shouldn't stay alone in case there were any complications."

A smile crossed her face. "You want me to move in with you, right?"

"You've always been able to see through me," I said, grinning. "You told Dad that you went to Tree Hill to help Brooke and me with Justin. Well, if it works out with the adoption, could you take care of him, too?"

"You still want to adopt the boy despite the fact that Brooke and you have your own children soon?" She asked in surprise. "Do you have any idea what it means to raise three children?" She rolled her eyes. "I've had enough to take care of one."

I ignored her demur. "That fact that Brooke and I are having twins has nothing to do with Justin," I said with determination. "But nothing is decided yet... Markham, Justin's birth father, won't give us the boy without a fight. And that's the last thing Brooke can endure right now."

"Of course, I'll help you." She smiled. "You are my son and the most important thing in this world for me."

"Thanks, Mom!" I took her in my arms again. "I know it's a lot what I expect from you, but I wouldn't ask if I really didn't need your help."

"I know. And I'll gladly give it to you." She sighed and looked at her empty suitcase. "I just finished unpacking. Now I can pack everything again."

"I'll help you," I offered my help. "And then I'll drive you to the house and show you where to sleep. We have a guest room big enough for you to feel at home in there."

"You know what, Julian?" she said thoughtfully. "When I came to your office yesterday and you treated me so badly, I thought you wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible. I really came to help you and Brooke. But there was another reason as well..."

As she stopped in the middle of the sentence I looked at her with a frown. "What reason was that?" I asked.

"After all the years we were apart, I finally wanted to be part of your life again," she confessed softly. "And it's not true that I don't like Brooke. On the contrary. I can see how happy she makes you. And how can I not like the woman who genuinely loves my son?"

"Oh, Mom!" Touched by her words, I hugged her once more. "I promise that you will be a big part in my life and also in Brooke's life from now on. And of course in the life of your future grandchildren, too," I added.

She wiped her eyes. "You make me cry, Julian, though I wanted to be strong."

I smiled. "Last time I cried in front of you. Now we're even."

"Let's just pack my things. And when we get home, I'll cook you a meal first. You are way too thin!"

I bit back a comment and rolled my eyes instead. I was 24 and she still treated me like a little boy. But I know I had to accept it if I wanted her to help us. She had already opened the wardrobe and I took her clothes and put them neatly folded back into the suitcase. "Done," I said, then snapped the lock shut.

"Are you ready?"

I nodded, took the suitcase and went to the door. I didn't know if I was really ready for what was coming. But I had no choice. With a last look back, I left the hotel room and went with her into an uncertain future.

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