Haley nodded. "Now there is still something old missing," she said thoughtfully.

Suddenly I remembered something. "I still have my engagement ring," I explained, showing my ring. "It's old. Does that count?"

"Perfect!" Peyton nodded.

"Girls, we have to go," Haley urged. "Are you ready, Brooke?"

I took one last look in the mirror. "Yes," I said softly. "Now I'm ready."

Julian's POV

In the church

Brooke looked beautiful in her white bridal gown as she walked the aisle to the altar. Like an angel. My heart began to beat excitedly with anticipation. This beautiful woman belonged to me, my great love, the mother of my children! Brooke was everything I had ever dreamt of. When she smiled at me, I smiled back and suddenly remembered our first meeting. How she had asked me for tutoring her. And then our first real meeting, where I had fallen head over heels in love with her when she had performed that silly dance from 'Breakfast Club'. And then there had been our first time, on the beach, in the waves of the ocean. Even then there had been no other woman for me. I only had wanted her. Sometimes destiny made strange detours, only to find the right path back. We had found each other, had lost and had found each other again. When she had reached me and placed her hand in mine, I knew that I had found the woman who made my life whole. As the priest began his speech, Brooke looked deep into my eyes and smiled. And for a moment, I forgot everything around me and focused only on her.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. Today, Julian and Brooke proclaim their love to the world with these words. Julian."

I took her hands. „Brooke... Before I met you, I thought my world had everything I needed to be happy. I had nothing else to compare it to. Then you walked into my life, and everything changed. I realized how empty my world was without you in it. And my old life was no longer capable of making me happy, not without you. I love everything about you, Brooke. I love the way you challenge me like no one ever has. I love the way you look at me like no one ever has. I love the way you love me like no one ever has. And I love you for giving me the greatest gift a woman can give to a man; our children." I put my hand tentatively on her belly. "I can't imagine spending my life without you. And if you say yes to me in a few minutes, I won't have to. You look beautiful, by the way." My speech was over, and now it was Brooke's turn. Tears were in her eyes as she started her speech.

"Julian... Before I met you, my world revolved around one thing. Me. And I liked it that way, on my own. But then I met you, and you saw through the facade. You saw me. You've taught me to trust, how to let someone in, and what it truly means to fall in love. I can't possibly describe how much I love you, so I'll tell you why I love you. You see the world in a way that no one else does, and you appreciate everything... Including me. There's no one in the world like you. And if you say yes in a few minutes, I'll get to spend the rest of my life trying to see the world through your eyes, appreciating everything... Including you, the most unique, wonderful man and father I know."

"Brooke and Julian," the priest took over again. "You came here today to exchange these vows. Julian, do you take Brooke to be thy wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

My voice was a little hoarse as I made my promise. "I do." And then it was Brooke's turn.

"Brooke, do you take this man to be thy wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health so long as you both shall live?"

"I do," she said in a low, strangled voice, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Now it was time to exchange rings, and I looked to my left, where Justin stood and held the ring in his hands. Brooke turned to Haley, who placed my ring in Brooke's hand. I took her left hand. "Brooke, this ring symbolizes my desire for you to be my wife from this day forward."

"Julian, this ring symbolizes my desire for you to be my husband from this day forward."

"If anyone can show just cause why this couple should not be joined together, speak now..."

I made the mistake and looked to the gathered community where my parents were sitting in the front row holding Jude and Davis in their laps. And apparently Davis had something to complain about because he started to cry all of a sudden and without warning. I smiled involuntarily, realizing that it wouldn't take long for Jude to join in his brother's screaming. And it didn't take long for the church to be filled with the loud crying of our twins. Brooke gave me a helpless look, and I just shrugged. Luckily, my parents reacted quickly and carried the two screaming toddlers out of the church so that the priest could continue with the wedding ceremony.

The priest cleared his throat. "Well, in that case...," he said and smiled. "By the power vested in me by the state of North Carolina, I now pronounce you husband and wife."

"May I kiss my wife now?" I asked, winking at Brooke.

"Of course, what are you waiting for?"

She nestled in my arms, and under the thunderous applause of the guests, we kissed each other in front of the community and of God. "Are you happy?" I asked her softly when we had finished the kiss.

"Like crazy. I can barely express in words how happy I am," she confessed with a smile, reaching for my hand. "But we should go outside and look for your parents," she said. "I want to make sure that the twins are okay."

Haley joined us and hugged Brooke and then me.

"Congratulations!" She smiled and then turned to Brooke. "I'll take care of the twins if you want," she offered her help. "Then I can relieve Sylvia and Paul a little bit."

"That was embarrassing!" Brooke rolled her eyes. "When Davis started to cry, I wished the ground would open and swallow me!"

"You don't really believe that he has anything against your marriage," Haley said with a chuckle. "The twins are barely 2 years old and don't even understand what all this bustle means. They were probably just tired."

"Yeah, me too," Brooke admitted and yawned.

I looked at her worriedly. It was time for her to take a break. The doctors had no reservations about the wedding, but they had also made it clear that she should take it easy. "Okay, we'll go and receive the good wishes and then you take a break," I said with a serious expression.

"And what about the wedding dance?" She asked with a frown.

"Later. You need some rest now." I wrapped an arm around her waist and then placed my hand on her rounded belly. "And if you don't want to do it for you, do it for our 'cookie'.

"You call your baby 'cookie'?" Haley asked with a grin.

"Just until we found a proper name," I said quickly. "Okay, let's go over to the reception."

"And I'm looking for Sylvia and Paul and the twins," Haley said, then left the church.

I looked to the guests, who were all waiting to congratulate us. "Are you ready for big handshakes and hugs?" I asked Brooke, smiling.

"Yes, I am."

She put on her best smile, and together we accepted the best wishes of our guests and family members.

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