Part 20: The victor

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(Third person POV)

Satan growled as he saw the sight of him again.

"But you two join your souls"he shouted

" I never said that"Jesus said"I only said that our souls will be merge back to one, nothing more nothing less"

"And besides, I rather want to hear your ass personally" Michael smirked

"You just made a huge mistake Michael, now I'm going to end you!"

At the sidelines Alex and Rachel gasped in shock of what they just saw.

"Alex, we need to help him!" Rachel shouted


The two jumped down and ran all the way to the fight. Behind Satan's back Rachel slashed him with her knife like fingernails. He screamed in pain from it and realized where it came from.

"Great, more humans!" he shouted

"You'll never succeed Satan!"Alex shouted

" I just had enough of you! "

Satan threw another fire ball at her but she ducked down and used her scepter to blast him away. Michael then punched him across the street.

Jesus charged at him with his sword in hand and stabbed him in the chest area.

"I hope it didn't hurt you too badly baby"he smirked

" you will be in more pain than me! "

He kicked him off of him. However he made a safe landing on the sidewalk.

"Oh yeah!?" Michael screamed and blasted him in the back"Well can you take this!? "

"Aggh!" he shrieked "You brat!"

" oh come on that is no way to speak to a lady now is it"Jesus said

"You and your games, they are getting on my nerves." he hissed

"Huh, i don't see it that way at fact I think you like them"

Satan screamed. He used his fire balls to attack him. He dodged them with ease....except one. Which caused him to fall to the ground.

Satan cackled.

"Time and you!" he cackled

He created a giant fire ball with both of his hands and threw it directly at him. Jesus covered himself in defense. However he was protected with a giant white crystalline wall. It disintegrated showing Alex, Rachel and Michael in defense.

"You won't get away with this!!" He growled

"I think we just did"Michael smirked

Jesus eventually got up brushing off his clothes.

" guys we need to combine our powers to stop Satan for good "He said

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