Modelling and Demon Conducting

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Thank you to the people who spoke about their horses. They were hilarious! I think it’s brilliant that the funniest, most hard to believe stuff is the ones that are on real life. (Like Legs who spits hay at people).

That’s why everything (okay, almost everything) that happens in this story is true/based on something true. Even Demon’s back story, which we see a bit more of in this chapter (but it’s in disguise. See if you can spot it).


I hung up the phone and fell back into the chair. That was the end of it. Demon’s little hunting attempt was now dealt with.

“Who was that?” Katherine asked, walking into the kitchen and daintily sitting in the chair opposite me.

“The Hunt Secretar.”

She raised an eyebrow, “You joining?”

No. They made it very clear that I would never be allowed to join. Ever.”

“Then why…”



“Yep. They were calling to complain. And let me know that no one was actually hurt. Not even the horse who got kicked in the leg. Which is good, I was sure Demon had done something to him. They were a bit annoyed about the hounds, too. Some of them don’t appreciate nearly being trampled. And Sally was checked out by at least five top of the line chiropractors before she accepted that her spine was not broken. We’ll probably be getting the bill soon.”

I stared at the table sullenly too upset with everything to deal with the world. I now had the infamous horse form Hell. I thought I had escaped this when he behaved so well at the clinic!

Katherine laughed, “Demon did all that?”

“Demon did more than just that. I told you he was evil.”

“So why do you want him so bad?”

My mouth fell open so fast it hurt, “What?”

“If he’s that evil why do you keep working to make him yours?”

“Because…because…Because I want my own horse I guess.”

She smiled in that infuriating Big Sister way, “But Dad said he would give you any of the other horses, didn’t he?”

I squirmed, uncomfortable with where this was going, “Yeah, but they wouldn’t be…hey, is that a car?”

“You’re changing the subject, Heather.”

“That’s a car coming up the drive. Doesn’t sound like any of ours.”

“Heather!” Katherine called, coming after me as I got up and went into the living room where I could look out the window at the drive.

All I could see was the back of Sam’s 4X4. And Mom climbing into it with a big bag.

“Where’s Mom going?” I asked curiously as the car drove away.

“No clue,” Katherine answered immediately. I had to make sure my face was hidden from her before I smiled. She was such a bad liar.

“What would Mom and Sam be doing together?”

“How should I know?” Lie.

I turned to her and smiled, “Katherine, dear sister, why are you lying to me? Why were you trying to keep me in the kitchen?”

“I wasn’t.” She lied and quickly fled the room.

Great. Now I would suffer in endless curiosity.

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