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Anthony Edwards Stark had always known that something made him stand out from the rest. Was it because he was rich? Was it because he grew up always tinkering, and never really making any friends? Maybe. 

Or perhaps it was the fact that he preferred men over women?

Tony sighed as he got up to get his third cup of coffee that day. "FRIDAY, what's the time?" he mumbled. 

"11:00 am on Thursday, sir," the robot replied, "You've been up for five hours. Perhaps you should take a break-"

"FRIDAY," Tony cut in, half-blindly pouring himself coffee, almost missing the cup, "I can't stop. I need to get these web shooters finished for Peter by tonight." 

The A.I. remained quiet.

Tony sighed, before taking a sip of coffee. He hadn't been able to sleep the previous night, nightmares and thought keeping him up. Dark thoughts that he should've talked about a long time ago. The same thoughts that held their tight reigns over him since he was small. 

"Incoming video call from Stephen Strange" he heard FRIDAY call. Tony rolled his eyes, not wanting to put up with that prick. 

"Tony? Bruce told me you couldn't sleep." the wizard's voice rang in the lab. Tony huffed a little through his nose, before doing his best to look at Stephen through the screen. He could make out a dark and red blur, no doubt his sanctum and cape. 

"I'm fine, Stephen." All you do is make them worry... That's the only thing you're good at you little shit.

"You've barely opening your eyes and you're about to dump salt into your coffee." Stephen deadpanned, "Look, I'm coming over, and you better have your ass in bed by the time I get there," and at that, the wizard hung up, leaving Tony frozen with a teaspoon of salt hovering above his coffee. 

He promptly dropped both his cup and his teaspoon, the ceramic cup shattering into millions of pieces. His hands shook, his heart thumping furiously in his chest. He slumped to the floor, barely comprehending the sharp pieces of ceramic beneath him. 

"Sir? Your heart rate is increasing rapidly." said FRIDAY. 

"I-I'm fine" Tony struggled out. Great. You have someone babysitting you. You fucking piece of trash. You can't even look after yourself. What sort of person are you? 

A spray of orange and gold sparks caught his attention. Tony looked up to see a tall figure. 

"I thought I told you to get to bed."

"I thought I said that I was fine"

Tony heard Stephen huff, before he felt a pair of slender but strong arms pick him up. 

So warm...

Tony felt himself drift off to the comfort of Stephen's cloak wrapping itself around him. 


"Mr. Stark? I don't feel so good..."

Tony turned around to see Peter stumbling. Oh God. 

"Hey, hey, kid. I'm right here..." he said, catching Peter and kneeling down. The kid began to cry, each sob wrenching Tony's heart.

"I don't want to go, please. Please." Peter sobbed. Tony held him close. 

"Shhhh, kid. It's ok, it's ok." it wasn't ok, and they both knew it. 

Tony felt Peter's grasp on him weaken. Tony opened his eyes, to see the kid's face begin to fade to ash. Fuck, no. It's couldn't be happening. 

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