Week Two: HOH + BTB + Nominations

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The next morning, Thornton, Agnes, and Cornelia talk in a private room, where Cornelia is angry that Thornton and Agnes voted against her. Cornelia realizes that now she has six enemies and cannot make any more, so she apologizes and she hopes to work with them in the future, with Agnes forgiving her.

Madison, Leighton, Molly, Gobias, and Beau talk in the dining room and Gobias suggests that they form an alliance to protect Cornelia and go against the Alpha Five. Molly suggests it should be called the "Superior Six". Beau and Madison cheerfully agree.

Soon it is time for the second Head of Household Competition. Leighton wins, proving to be a physical threat. After Leighton's win, the Superior Six all celebrates in the Head of Household bedroom. Cornelia tells Leighton this is a golden opportunity to strike at Jared again, while Madison agrees. Leighton feels bad that hadn't Cornelia got this lucky; she would be evicted this week.

The Alpha Five frets in the kitchen, while Xander tries to lighten the mood by suggesting an alliance name change by including Jamie in the group. Jared changes the name to the Alpha Pack, and he is certain he will not be going home this week still. Jamie suggests they fight hard in the Beach Battle, when Blair decides to tell her team about the secret power that she obtained through the Beach Battle: the vote nullifier. Christopher says the advantage is only slightly useful. Meanwhile, Agnes and Thornton talk to Cornelia and Leighton to make sure they are not being nominated.

Julie appears on the television screen and asks for houseguests to come to the living room to start the next Beach Team Battle and asks for teams to choose their competing houseguests. Jamie and Jared want Christopher to compete, and Christopher opts to "take one for the team". Xander decides to go for his reigning champion team, Beau is eager to compete this week, and Thornton believes himself to be the strongest out of him and Agnes. Madison has to compete by default, because Monika is evicted, and Leighton has already competed.

Christopher, Xander, Beau, Thornton, and Madison walk outside to the competition battle. After a fairly difficult task, the intelligent Madison barely managed to win and beat out her fellow competitors, giving herself immunity. The Superior Six congratulate her win, however in their eyes Madison would be safe anyway. However, Madison received an envelope in the Diary Room as well. Madison can pick all three veto chips at any of the next two veto ceremonies by reading the contents of this envelope. Madison is grateful for this reward; however it doesn't hold much power.

Leighton talks with the Superior Six about nominations. Cornelia first suggests Jared, to which all of the alliance agrees. Gobias thinks that a pawn should go up next to him from his alliance, such as Christopher, Jamie, or Blair. Molly wants the pawn to be from someone who won the first battle (Xander, Blair, or Hank). Leighton takes a moment to rest and clear his head.

Christopher talks with Jamie, Blair, and Xander, saying that someone from the Alpha Pack is likely going home. Jamie reveals that she and Christopher are in a showmance and she wants the four to protect each other. Blair agrees to the pact, saying that it is best they keep this pact secret.

Jared suggests to Hank that they should try and win over Agnes and Thornton, while Hank could not agree more. When the four talk, they agree to a pact. Thornton is ecstatic that he is working with Jared, and Agnes is happy that she has more people on her side.

Leighton calls the second nomination ceremony. He decides to nominate Jared and Blair for eviction, and tells Jared he is the target for having a confrontation with his alliance member, Cornelia, and Blair is just a pawn. Jared is enraged when Leighton adjourns the ceremony.

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