💙 Chapter 2 💙

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                  I woke up that morning completely forgetting last nights odd dream , I ate some breakfast and checked up on my uncle.. He was still asleep .. * sigh I went upstairs to take another look out into the ocean ..it looked peaceful and the waves flowed smoothly ...I know im not suppose to do this because there could be dangers lurking in the waters but I was soo bored and the waters are peaceful there are no signs of danger and you dont see sharks around here much ..so I ran into my room and placed my swimming suit on along with other special equipment .
I then sat on the edge of the boat contemplating wether I should really go through with this .. I thought for a bit looking down it sure looked like a long way down and the color of the water was a deep pretty navy blue ..but I knew it was a deep blue abyss underneath those smooth waves.. Being the rebel ive always been I closed my eyes and let go of the railing letting myself sink into the soft waves and submerging myself deeper I swam up and took a look around the surface before going underwater once more I was soo excited but fear began to gather within me I was in a large body of water and realization hit me.... I forgot to throw the rope with the lifesaver tied to it ...how would  I  be able to climb back up or even hold onto once I got tired of swimming my oxygen tank wont last very long ..and its still too early for my uncle to wake up from his sleep the skies were a bit dark but the sun should be rising soon I thought to myself ... When suddenly from a distance I saw a flash of lightning ... This cant be happening... I began to panick internally ..it would start raining soon.. Thunderstorming even .. My uncle wont be able to hear me let alone barely spot me once these clouds turn dark and start pouring hard. I started screaming for my uncle " Uncle jeff help !" ...nothing ... The waves began crashing hard against my back they no longer moved smoothly they moved rapidly and with great force.. My cries for my uncle got louder...but still no response.. The waves were starting to drag me into a direction opposite of the boat ..my heart was racing ..I felt like it would pop out of my chest.. Tears began to slide down my face , I tried my best to swim against the waves and near the boat but it was no use I was losing strength and fear was paralizing me..then from the corner of my eye I see a fin ...my heart stopped.. I turned to face the fin that was only 20 feet away ..my heart sunk ...

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