Yule Connor- Lyall's Brother

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"You have a brother?!"

I immediately regretted what I've said. Lyall's expression was suddenly alarmed, his usual predatory expression replaced by a panicking prey's. My voice was loud enough to make Thom stir, who must be a light sleeper. His eyes opened groggily as he said, "Mum?"

He must be having a dream. I knew he has to get back to sleep. I was thinking of knocking him out with a punch, but that seemed too impulsive and violent. And it'll probably make Lyall think I'm crazy. So instead, I cooed in my most-motherly voice, "shh, go to sleep...Thomy. It's only five in the morning."

"okay...Mum..." he yawned, and he drifted back to sleep. I sighed with relief and turned back to Lyall. I know I should say something immediately.

"I'm sorry!" I said the first thing which came to my mind. "That was really rude of me! I shouldn't have-"


He rubbed his neck awkwardly, before turning serious. "I shouldn't have panicked. I'm sorry." He didn't give me a chance to continue. "The thing is, I just don't like talking about my brother."

"I'm really sorry," I said. I just couldn't stop apologizing.

He smiled, and I couldn't help but notice how wolfish it looked. "Well...maybe I could tell you a bit about him, if you want to listen."

A part me said I should respect his privacy and decline his offer, but the other part of me really wanted to hear the story. Before I could make a really wise decision, the words "I'll listen" came out of my mouth. It's too late to regret them anyway.

Lyall took a deep breath before saying, "My brother's name is Philip. Philip Hound II, named after my father. He's three years older than me and I guess I could say we look alike." The heavy expression disappeared from his face, making him look happier than in any time I've ever seen him. "Except for the eyes. I've got these-" he indicated his silver eyes, predatory in the night "-while he's got green eyes much like a cat's. He's one of the best hunters around and I'm proud to be his brother. Well, he's a hunter like me and my father until the war-bringers came in."

The scene he seemed to see before his own eyes was familiar to my own. I remembered that day, six seven years ago. It's one of those times when the soldiers who claim to be on "our side" would recruit young boys and girls who wanted to join them to save Werravinn from trouble. I don't really believe them, since I know war would never save anyone from trouble. But others believed did.

"Philip was the first to raise his hand," said Lyall. "My parents didn't like the idea. Though the military wanted young ones, aged 14 or something, Philip was only 12 at that time. But he still got recruited." His light expression was back to his usual face: calculated and sort of sad. "I never forgot that day anyway. When he left, I got his hunting partner. A falcon. Shiv." He indicated the sleeping falcon roosted on a branch.

We were quiet for a moment, Lyall, probably because of the memories he has, me, not only from the story but also because of the fact he entrusted me such information he probably would have never shared with anyone else.

"Let's just pretend...we didn't talk about this, alright?"

I looked up to meet Lyall's gaze. It seemed better than anything anyway. I nodded, and we fell back to compatible silence.

As minutes passed, I started to feel drowsy. My eyes closed slowly and just when I was about to fall asleep, a voice said, "Yule."

I snapped awake, and realized I was leaning on Lyall's side. My cheeks burned with embarrassment as he said, "you need to sleep now."

"I guess-" I yawned "-so." I walked over to my place beside James and wrapped the fox pelt more securely around my shoulders. I stared at Lyall. "Are you going to sleep now?"

He smiled that wolfish smile again, and I thought it looked good on him, making him look happier and less serious. "Go to sleep," he said instead of answering my question. 

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