Yule Connor- Chaos

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I and James were suddenly outside the house. The sight before us made me shed a few tears. the sky is gray, screened by thick smoke. Huge tanks fired at each other. There were explosions of red and orange. Armed soldiers dove at each other, throwing punches and kicks, aiming rifles. Children ran and screamed. Dead bodies dropped dead to the ground, soldier or ordinary person.

"Get back! GET BACK!" James practically screamed as he pulled me back into the house. A grenade exploded in my place just as he shut the door.

"How did they find us?!" I yelled, tears streaming down my cheeks. It's like the world is ending.

"We have to get out here," said James. His usually calm voice cracked. "Get your stuff," he instructed. "Only the important ones. Meet me here, okay?"

I nodded, and ran into my room. From the window, I could still see the war stepping over my village. I couldn't hold back the tears than ran down my face. How could they do this to us? Everything I have, Everything I treasure, going to be lost thanks to the war!

When I went out of the room, I had only managed to grab a few things. My toothbrush and the fox pelt Lyall Hound had given me. I know it must be comical I chose these over my other important stuff, but I was so stressed my hands only managed to grab these.

James suddenly appeared. He wore his jacket and he clutched a hunting knife. I recognized it to be Dad's.

"Go!" James pushed me out of the house and as soon as we got out, the house exploded into flames. It took every effort of mine not to crumple down to the ground and cry harder.

:We dove into the mass of panicking people, clutching each other's free hands. Despite the crowd, I could see James's face. Unlike everyone around him, he wasn't panicking. And he wasn't crying, unlike me. Instead, he still held that remorseless, piercing gaze.

He's still trying to be strong.

We moved in the opposite direction of the people.

"We'll go into the forest," James breathed, "and stay there until these machines go away."

But the machines didn't look as though they'd go away. It's like they want to stay in the village forever.

A sudden explosion to my right made me scream (James was probably biting his lip) and we leapt away just as the tree next me was reduced to a pile of ash. Soldiers ran over the usual path to the traders' like ants. I bumped into Thom Grant, son of the richest person in the world. For once, he didn't look calm and haughty. Now, he looked scared and helpless.

"Where's your father?" James found his voice before I did.

"He and mother and Uncle Fabard were trapped inside the house," Thom choked out, pointing to his-or what was supposed to be- his house. In place of his fancy abode is a large bonfire consuming a pile of wood. I was suddenly aware of the smell of death and fire.

Thom was trying to hold back tears as he followed us. Not that he was invited to join us. But I guess since we talked to each other, he's supposed to be with us now.

Chaos reigned. People continued to scream for help, something which would never be given to them.

I clutched James's hand more tightly. Instead of trying to hold back tears like Thom or trying to be strong like James, I cried. I allowed the tears to run freely down my face, so that if some stupid war-bringer sees me, he or she would feel sympathy and somehow find a way to stop this war.

But that's a far chance. I know war never ends.

I suddenly heard a screech and looked up to see it. A falcon.

My tears were now tears of joy, not tears of anger and unhappiness. The falcon appeared to be a beacon of hope, flying bravely despite the underneath it.

"Hound!" Thom's cry was as screechy as the falcon's.

Lyall Hound suddenly appeared from the smoke, sweaty and a deer above his shoulder. He must've been hunting when the war came in.

Lyall tipped his head slightly, as though acknowledging out existence. He wasn't panicking. He was as cool and calculated as a few hours ago. But it seemed as though I could read through him. His silver eyes shouted desperation.

"We have to get out of here," said Lyall, only staring at me and James. He didn't seem intent on saving Thom.

He suddenly ran off, into a path I don't really know. James immediately followed him. I followed James, our hands linked together. Thom was forced to follow us because he wants to survive.

Behind us are screams and fires. I continued to cry as we ran into the forest, Shiv screeching behind us.

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