01•Scar Worship(S)

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To start off, M means Minicat and S means Switz, capiche?

Warning: Uhm, Mentions of scars from fighting, childhood injuries (abuse)and shit


Eric huffed exhausted as he slammed he bedroom door shut, watching Cameron spread out in the bed and scrolling through his twitter.

Cameron looks up at him as he flops onto him, head being cushioned by Cam's stomach and he rose an eyebrow and the dramatic man he called his boyfriend.

"You good E?" Cameron slid a hand theough his hair, fingers tugging his hair and soothibg the scalp nicely. He feels the smaller melt under his touches.

  ***leave now, mentions of abuse start here***

"Mhm now I am" Eric murmured, face now smushed into Cams stomach. Cam watches as Eric rubs over the mark his mother gave him from whipping him with the belt. If it could even be considered a belt, it left literal rucking stripes of scars on his thigh.

Cameron alaays hated Erics parents. So sue him, he should meet his boyfriends parent and get to know them, know how they ruthlessly beat their son and licked him in a basement. Know how they made him wear a mask when they went to friends houses since they said he was "too ugly to be considered their son"

Eric had told him that when they started dating, after the blonde had asked about why he always wears a helmet. And even when the took it off, then the balaclava.

They were cuddling just like this on thw bed, Erics head on Cam's abdomen, when Cam scrolled past another tweet tryibg to bribe them into revealing his face.


"Yeah" Eric's eyes were close, a very peaceful and serene smile on his face as he spoke up to Cameron.

"Why do you always wear the helmet, doesn it get hot in there?" Cameron warched as the grin on his lovers face slipped to a nuetral expression.

He watched the man reach up to scratch his goatee(im assuming) and shrug as if the taller didnt know hes hiding something. "Dunno, its been years"

"Tears since what?" Cameron inquired.

"Years since my mother last beat me" His heart-stopped. In his mind the anount of abuse jokes they'd made while recording CS:GO with Toby came rushing back.

Eric looked up to his taller lover smiling self-deprecatingly. "She died a little while ago, in August, thats why I was out the country for a little while"

Cameon dragged him in for a hug, kissing his forehead as he felt the brunette let go. He fell apart in the blondes arms but oh he trusted Cameon would keep all the pieces and reassemble him.

"Theyre so ugly too." Eric shipwred to a loving Cameron who just hugged him tighter and listened intently while Eric opened up.

Its become an instinct thing Eric had told him, to hide thw scars all over his body so no one scrutinized him, or snapped at him and he lost all his friends. The Misfits and Banana Bus Squad(only Craig and Tyler) knew about the whole shebang with his fucked up childhood.

Craig was sweet to him, they even had a swlf mptivation group chat since Craig was also abused. His Father used to rape him and hit him. He has many cuts up and down his legs from it too.

He find an odd friend in the British man, they even all go out together sometimes(tyler&mini swagger&fitz)

Oh wow, this turned to some deep shit real quick.

Control + Alt + Delete   feelings

He hummed as Cam ran his hand up his thick thigh slapping it and making Swagger shiver before resuming his mission.

He felt Caneron lean down and nibble on his earlobe. "You think these are ugly?"

Ric rolled jis eyes. "Well yeah thats what im talk-"

"I think theyre fucking sexy as hell. They show that youre strong and that youve healed from youre all time low" Eric was quiet as he contemplated what Cameron said.

"I think you never deserved what happened and that I change it, but its made you who you are. And quite frankly, I like you, potato wedge.

"Oh fuck off" Eric giggle at the nickname before felt tears streaming down his cheeks as he turned to bury his face in Cams hoodie. Hes never had such praise to bask in so its VERY new to him.

Cam rubbed his back and kissed his head, soothing him once again. I love you Potato Wedge." Cameron mumbled.

"I love you too, Ya damn baguette"

"HEY!" Cameon yelled indignantly and smiled at Eric who giggled and wiped his tears with sweater paws.


Cameron smirks. "Plus, I love me some thicc boyos." He watched as Eric got up to go to the washroom and clean his face, thighs and ass making Cameron a very WEAK man.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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