Chapter 23

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There are always all kinds of strange guests in the high-end western restaurant.

今日份的奇怪, 就是走進來一個戴著鴨舌帽的少年,從頭到腳都是名牌, 手插在兜里, 臉上戴著遮了半張臉的黑色口罩。他急匆匆地走進來,急匆匆地找了個最隱蔽的位置坐下, 急匆匆地對接待他的侍應生說︰「沒有預約, 一個人, 直接要一份你們的招牌套餐,牛排五分熟,上菜還是你, 謝謝。」

Today's strange one is a teenager walking in wearing a duck tongue cap. From head to foot, he is wearing famous brands, his hands in his pockets, and his face is covered with a black mask. He came in a hurry and found the most hidden place to sit down. He said to the waiter who received him in a hurry: "No appointment, one person, just ask for your signature set meal. The steak is half cooked, and i prefer you to serve it. Thank you. "

要不是看他還像個高中生的樣子, 聲音也是把少年音, 侍應生都要以為他是什麼微服私訪的大明星了。

If it weren't for his appearance as a high school student and his voice was a teenager's voice, the waiter would have thought he was some kind of a big star visiting in secret.

眼看那侍應生越走越遠, 紀明越把頭埋低,下頜磕在自己手臂上, 稍稍解開一點口罩, 長長吐出一口氣。

Seeing the waiter go farther and farther, Ji Mingyue buried his head lower, his jaw knocked on his arm, slightly unmasked, and exhaled a long breath.


... Sure enough, he still can't be domineering.

他也不知道他趕來這家西餐廳, 到底是想讓林風看見他、還是不想讓林風看見, 他本來在外面猶豫了一會兒,直到肚子咕嚕嚕叫了起來, 才下定決心推門進來。

He didn't know why he came to this western restaurant. He wanted Lin Feng to see him, but he also didn't want Lin Feng to see him. He had hesitated outside for a while until his stomach screamed and he decided to push the door in. .


In other words, he eventually was urged to enter...... by his hunger. =_=

西餐廳的侍應生果然比奶茶店的老板娘靠譜多了,隔了一會兒, 過來給他上菜的,還是剛才那個濃眉大眼的侍應生。

The waitress in the western restaurant is more reliable than the lady boss of the milk tea shop. After a while, the waitress who came to serve him was the one with big eyebrows and eyes just now.


The appetizing dish made Ji Mingyue's greedy appetite soar, but he only looked at it twice and did not rush to eat. Instead, he deliberately pressed his voice and asked the waiter, "Hello, what time do you usually leave work?"


"Hello, our working hours are on shifts. The waiter answered him dutifully, " I work at night shift. From 6 p.m. to 2 a.m., some people work at a small day shift. They leave work early and can finish work at 9 p.m. "

Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob (拯救校草的那些日子) EN TranslateWhere stories live. Discover now