Day 137 {closed}

187 13 226

Date 19


Season: Greenleaf (1/3)
Weather: Hot, Cloudy
Event: ❌EXILE❌
Fresh-kill pile: 0
Herbs: 4
Border Strength: 18/25

Cats: 34
Warriors: 17
Medicine Cats: 6
Medicine Cat Apprentices: 0
Apprentices: 3
Queens: 2
Kits: 6
Kill Count: 86

Hungry: 10
Starving: 0
Rabies: 0
Slightly Injured: 0
Injured: 0
Severely Injured: 0
Hayfever: 0
Cough: 0
Whitecough: 9
Greencough: 6
Nightcough: 0


Fawnpounce, Laurelflight, and Fuzzyshadow weren't healed and now have whitecough. Their sickness has spread to Blackclaw, Coralfall, and Tigerflight. Heal them before the sickness spreads.

Meadowstream, Moonwatcher, and Blacksky were healed yesterday. They now only have whitecough. Heal them before the sickness spreads.

Wingstar, Silverrain and Sunnypaw were not healed yesterday and will die today if not healed. Their sickness has spread to Fennelpaw, Kestreltuft, and Mysticalwood. They all now have greencough.
Heal them before the sickness spreads.

Coralfall has been accused of treason. Vote on her innocence.

Sunnypaw, Foxpaw, and Fennelpaw are old enough to rank up to warriors. Use the command /rankup to {new name}

Message from Hawkeye;

We have 8 cats who are maxed out or nearly maxed out in hunting. It would be ideal if those eight; Wingstar, Cherrysnow, Blackclaw, Laurelflight [ 4.5 ], Coralfall, Meadowstream, Applefur, Tigerflight [ 4 ], Wigglethorn [4 ], Goldensun [ 4 ], Hawkeye, and Fawnpounce went hunting twice. Laurelflight and one maxed cat can train to get her to five. The maxed cats can gain a MAXIMUM total of 32 prey all together in one patrol, level 4 cats can get up to 12 prey all together. This equals 44 prey, which is enough to feed the majority of the Clan. We may not get exactly 44, but we can feed a lot more cats.

Now for those levels 3 and under, patrolling is your main task. It would be best if everyone [ especially the apprentices ] spends at least one energy patrolling. One patrol needs 4 cats, so if you see a patrol with 4, start another one or find an open one. The border has been steadily decreasing, and it is in our best interest to get it up.

Cats Level Three and Under: Tundrastrike, Silverrain, Fuzzyshadow, Blacksky, Mysticalwood, Moonwatcher, Kestreltuft, Stormwave, Sunnypaw, Foxpaw, Fennelpaw.


🔥FlameClan Cats🔥

🌈Wingstar {Sandleaf}
Tan with a lighter, almost white underbelly with a black stripe running down her back that wraps around her tail, black spots and amber eyes
HuntingSkill Level 5
BattleSkill Level 5
Lives: 9
Bond Level 2 with Shelltoe and Silverrain
Stats: Greencough, Hungry {0 energy}

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