Chapter 14

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Sutton stirred in her bed, taking a deep breathe as she tried to process what her roommate was saying at what felt like the crack of dawn. 

"Please Sut? Look, I know you don't like doing this type of thing, but you know I hate shopping alone and you could probably use some new cheap shirts anyway," Maddy rambled. Sutton sat up, eyes squinting, and shook her head. 

"What?" Sutton pullet the duvet off her body and slowly walked to her bathroom, Maddy followed. Her clock read 7:12 am, what in gods name is she doing up this early? 

"Shopping, right now. There is a crazy sale at the mall, we have to go," she says, following Sutton to the bathroom. 

Sutton undoubtedly needed new clothes, being that the only times she would ever go shopping was with Maddy, and Maddy and her haven't exactly been friendly. For some ungodly reason, Sutton agrees as she is brushing her teeth.

"Okay perfect, we need to leave in fifteen minutes, got it? I hate shopping when everything is picked over," she says, walking out of Suttons room. 

She has never been so relieved to not be somewhere. Sutton was not a super out-going person, she wasn't necessarily shy, she just isn't the type of person to handle awkward situations very well.

That being said, she cant help but feel utterly stupid for the situation she went through the night prior. She likes to think that a normal human being would have handled that in the same way she did, but deep down she knows she had made it worse than it needed to be. 

But what bothered her more than the situation, was the way Harry acted after he left the kitchen. Sutton wasn't expecting any intimacy, but it seemed like whatever James and him were discussing pertained to her. Sutton continued from feeling crazy thinking people always talked about her, or if they were actually talking about her like all the signs indicated. 

Maddy and I silently made our way to the garage, and I hopped in her car and we sped off to the mall 

"So hows that ex-band member Harry?" Maddy asks randomly, pursing her lips.

"What do you mean?" Sutton asks defensively. 

"Well, I don't know, he came to pick you up. Are you guys dating?" Maddy asks while browsing through a rack of dresses.

"No, I mean we've definitely gotten closer the past week but not dating at all," Sutton reassures her.

"Well thats good, I guess," Maddy mumbles, and Sutton bunches her eyebrows. 

"What did you say?" Sutton asks intently. 

"Well, honestly I said that's good. I was talking to Miranda and her best friend has been hooking up with him for a bit, she just texted me that she's planning on going over to his place tonight. Just glad you're not involved or whatever." Maddy says distantly, looking up at Sutton for the first time in a while. 

For some reason, the words sunk slowly into Sutton's brain. Maddy knew Sutton, current friends or not, and she understood Sutton's behavior and she knew Sutton was fantasized by this guy in some way, shape or form. 

"Oh, really? Well that's, um, good to know I guess," Sutton manages. 

"Yeah, but I mean they are just friends apparently, or at least according to Miranda," Maddy continues. "I guess he's very unattached but he's great in bed, you should give it a go Sut," Maddy says, winking. 

Sutton smiles uncomfortably, and cannot help but feel stupid as she aimlessly shifts through the sale rack. 

"Ha ha," is all Sutton can manage, and the two continue to shop in silence. 

Sutton cannot help but feel stupid. Of course Harry made her feel out of this world, that was his thing. That's what he was known for, how could she think that he was interested her in an exclusive way? Sutton grabs a few pieces that catch her eye, mind still racing about the potential outcomes of Harry. 

Maybe that is what they were talking about last night? Sutton didn't want to jump to conclusions, but it did seem to make sense.  She did know one thing, however: her fantasy of being with Harry Styles is totally and completely out of the question. 

Her mind raced with thoughts, and honestly, disappointment. It felt like there was really something between them, it felt like more than just a exchange for sex. Sutton realizes that she is not cut out for all this. 

They left the mall, and didn't say much to one another. It felt like Maddy dropped a bomb on Sutton earlier, and Sutton wasn't sure how to feel. She felt like going right back to bed. 

And thats exactly what she did when they arrived home. She laid in bed, and amused herself with her phone the entire day. 


Harry wanted to feel something as he approached his front door, but he didn't. It was late, and he opens the door to bright eyed Megan. He smiles and she jumps into a quick hug. 

He feels like he is doing something wrong, but he attempts to ignore that feeling. She makes herself comfortable on the couch, and his night proceeds as it usually would. 

He liked Megan because she was never too fake. She was there for exact same reason Harry wanted her there. They didn't sugar coat anything, they didn't pretend it was something else. They had sex and acted like casual but distant friends, and Harry appreciated it. 

Harry had hoped in inviting her over, that his mind would take a break from Sutton for a while. But, it didn't work. He actually was frustrated by the amount of time he spent thinking about her. He wonders how shes doing after a terribly awkward end to the night last night, and he wonders if her feelings were hurt. He doesn't want her feelings to hurt, but also knows at the same time, he will likely hurt her feelings. If not now, then later. 

While Megan was sitting on the couch in the t-shirt I was wearing earlier, I reach for my phone. I pull up my messages with Sutton and start typing before my mind can even protest. 

Hey, I want to apologize for last night. James was being a prick and I was in a bad mood, turned out to be a bad combination. We're still top level friends! Sorry for the weirdness. Sweet dreams Sutton 

Harry sighed, and put his phone down. It was face up though, so he could see if she responded. And to Harry's dismay, his phone didn't light up for the rest of the night. 


Sutton's phone vibrated on her bedside table. She continued to read the rest of the sentence, before setting her book down and grabbing it. She felt a pang of nervous and confusion when she saw Harry's name, and opened her phone in anticipation.

Sutton reads the message, and then puts her phone down without responding. She thinks about what Maddy said earlier. Isn't he with someone else right now? Is he really texting me while he's with someone else? 

She felt humiliated and confused and sad. She picked up her phone and read the message again. 

There was that word again. Friends. 


Helloooo, sorry this is the shortest chapter to ever exist. It's getting hard to keep up with this story, so thanks for sticking around.

Please let me know what you think? Are you mad at Haz??!!!! Thanks for reading xxxxx

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