♦️ Chapter 4 ♦️

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Stepping out of camp, Ravenpaw looked to the top of the dark green pine trees

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Stepping out of camp, Ravenpaw looked to the top of the dark green pine trees. A soft wind swung the branches above and the sky started to lose its blue tone and started taking an amber shade. Ravenpaw shook himself when a cold breeze went past him.
'Hopefully, Leafbare won't be that bad.' thought Ravenpaw, taking a close lead beside Mumblenose.

"Can we see the lake? I really want to see the lake!" purred Halfpaw, looking excitedly up at Marshpool.
"When we show you the RiverClan border, you'll be able to see the lake," answered Marshpool.

"Are you sure the dog is really gone?" asked Beetlepaw, taking a curious sniff at some ferns, as if he was looking for any dog scent. For Ravenpaw, the dog scent was still stuck in his nose and it made a sour taste in his mouth.
"We're certain," answered Mumblenose. "If the dog ever comes back, keep its scent at the back of your head til then. It will hopefully save your life." Ravenpaw made a small approving nod.

"Where are we heading first?" asked Halfpaw. She was not afraid to bombard Marshpool with questions and it made Ravenpaw even more anxious when Marshpool let out a small sigh.
"ThunderClan border," he answered. "It will be important for you to learn their scent early."


"Don't you know?" growled Marshpool.
The happy bickering between the apprentices and their mentors suddenly stopped. Mumblenose stopped walking and looked over her shoulder and straight at Marshpool's face. Ravenpaw froze and awaited her next action.
"ThunderClan is the Clan that brings the most threat to us at the moment," answered Mumblenose. "Marshpool is right that its important, but he should restrain from having an attitude."
Marshpool hissed in irretation and his bushy tail lashed the air. Ravenpaw's pale green eyes widdened and he took a step back. Was there gonna be a fight?

"Please, let's not get this out of hand!" meowed Fernbush, taking a quick step between the two warriors. "Use your heads, for StarClan's sake! We have just gotten new apprentices and this is the first thing we do?"
The other two warriors seemed to relize the situation and stepped away from eachother. Halfpaw seemed taken aback, but didn't avoid eye contact with Marshpool, who only stared coldly back.

For the rest of the way to the ThunderClan border, the cats were silent. Ravenpaw knew already that Mumblenose and Marshpool weren't on close terms and that would probably mean that their training sessions would be seperate to avoid more drama. That would also mean he couldn't train with Halfpaw...
The group suddenly came to a stop at a stream. At the other side had the pine trees disappeared and an oak forest presented itself.
'That must be ThunderClan territory...' thought Ravenpaw. He stretched his head and opened his mouth, allowing new scents to come toward him. He only got a small taste of the scent, but he could easily tell that it was different.

"This stream is the border for our Clan and ThunderClan," explained Fernbush. "You should never cross it. If you are hunting, always remember where borders are so you don't accidently enter another Clan's territory."
"Seems like there has already been a ThunderClan patrol here." meowed Marshpool, his lip curling in disgust. "If you find a ThunderClan cat on our territory, you have every right to sink your claws into them as much as they do."
Ravenpaw would do whatever he could to protect his Clan, but he couldn't help but shake at the thought. Anything could happen in battle, even the most imaginable Ravenpaw didn't like to think about. But he pinched his eyes closed and took a deep breath. If he trained and stayed close to his Clanmates, he could overcome anything.

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