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the hallways were crowded as they arrived at the school. dan could literally feel the annoyance radiating of of chris, a small string of curses leaving his mouth.

"see, daniel! this is what we get for stopping and talking to that no good, piece of sh-" he started, but dan smacking him on the arm was enough to cut him off.

"you don't even know him, how can you say that?" dan exclaimed, confusion lacing the softness of his tone. chris rolled his eyes.

"he's a punk, dan. what else would he be?" chris retorted, annoyed.

"dan has a point, chris... you don't know him. he could just like the style?" pj inputted, and chris shook his head, his curls bouncing. dan and pj exchanged a small smile, but the other groaned.

"just... nevermind." chris snarled before turning sharply on his heel, bumping into louise as he left, not even turning to apologise.

"what's his problem?" louise asked as she approached the boys, rubbing her shoulder and turning to watch as chris stormed away. dan just shrugged, pulling out his phone.

"we ran into a boy earlier, and he's been moody ever since. i think he might be jealous because dan wants to get to know him." pj explained. as he did, dan could feel the heat rush to his cheeks. he did not like that boy. he didn't!

"ohh, i see. chris has always been like that though hasn't he?" louise asked. pj shook his head.

"he only got like that 7th grade, when he came back after those two years."

"could it be something to do with that? bad memories or something?" louise asked. dan just shook his head.

"it doesn't matter, lou. chris just needs to get over his temperamental ass." he slipped his phone back into his skirt pocket as his two friends gasped.

"daniel james howell, i physically can not believe you just said a curse. you should be ashamed." louise honestly looked shocked. it wasn't often at all that dan used that kind of language. pj was stifling back laughter.

"what?" dan asked defensively. "i'm not allowed to use curse words?" he asked. "whatever, i'm headed to art class. see you nerds." he started to walk away, but louise managed to stop him.

"wait, dan... i'm sorry. it was just a shocker, that's all." she pulled him into a hug, which he quickly reciprocated.

"it's fine, lou. i promise. but i really need to get to art class." he said gently, and she pulled back.

"of course. and dan, your makeup looks cute."


it was about 10 minutes into class, dan was doodling his work, when he heard the door slam closed. he jumped from the sudden noise, like a jumpscare, but didn't investigate. instead, he focused on the details of the skirt he was drawing, making sure it didn't interfere with the curve of the girls legs.

"mr. lester, you can go sit beside mr. howell. anywhere at his table will do." he heard the teacher tell someone, and dan froze.

he's never had to share his art table with anyone before.

again, he decided to ignore the world around him, turning his pencil at an angle so he could better shade in the area below the skirt.

a chair in front of him scooted outward, and he could feel the air move as the person sat down.

a few moments of silence passed.

"what are you working on, there, princess?" dan heard the boy ask, and he froze. he knew that voice. looking up, dan let out a little gasp.

it was the boy from earlier.

"oh, i- its uh, it's a drawing of a girl.. I'm designing her outfit now, i-" dan stuttered, and he knew for a fact (plus he could feel) that his face was redder than a ripe tomato. the other boy chuckled.

"it looks amazing. I'm Phil, by the way." he stuck his hand out, and dan shakily took it.

"what a pretty name for a pretty human." he muttered.

"i'm sorry, what?" oh crap. he said that out loud.

"i mean, i.." dan started, but he couldn't find any words to make what he said okay. not that he actually said anything bad. woagx okay dan... you're mind is rambling. just learn to be more chill, he thought to himself.

"it's fine, dan. i didn't even hear what you said." phil winked, and dan giggled.

"so, are you any good at art?" dan asked the raven-haired boy, trying not to make eye contact. he shook his head.

"not this kind of art, anyways. i do... my own art." phil explained, and, to dan, it seemed like he was trying to avoid saying what kind of art he did.

"at least you express yourself." dan smiled, setting his pencil to the side. he looked up, and that's when him and phil locked eyes.

look at how pretty his eyes are. i could get lost in how deep they are, oh my god. they're like the ocean, calm but with a fiery attitude...

"hey, hello.. earth to daniel." phil snapped his fingers, returning dan to reality.

"oh, i.. i'm sorry. i started thinking and i didn't mean to get distracted, I just-"

"dan, you're rambling."

"oh, gosh, i'm sorry. I'm not feeling myself today, and i just can't seem to concentrate-"

"dan, you're doing it again." phil chuckled. dan groaned.

"so, if you don't mind me asking.. why do you dress like a girl? are you transgender, or non-binary or something?" he asked, and dan squeezed his eyes closed.

"no, i'm a boy. i just don't believe in gender roles. boys can dress feminine if they want, and vice versa. i like wearing dresses and makeup. it makes me feel pretty." he shrugged.

"well, you are pretty, princess. and the flower crown tops off the whole outfit." phil complimented, and dan blushed.

soon, the bell was ringing, and all the students stood up. dan let out a sigh, gathering all of his art supplies as phil helped.

"you should let me see your schedule, princess." phil asked once they were done. it was only them in the classroom, and dan needed to hurry. but he, too, was wanting to know if they had any classes together.

"here." dan said, pulling up a picture of his schedule on his phone. phil pulled out his phone, examining the two closely. dan glanced up at the clock, realizing he was soon going to be late for English.

"here you go. i'll see you after this period." phil winked and walked away. dan was blushing madly as he gained his composure, walking out of the classroom.

"dan!" he heard shouting from behind him, and when he turned, he seen louise waiting for him. "you alright, danny?" louise asked, and, after shaking his head to clear it, he nodded.

"yeah, but guess what." dan almost shrieked. louise covered his mouth, looking around as they continued down the hall.

"shh..." she whispered, dragging him into an abandoned hallway. "now, what is it?"

"i found the guy! he's in my art class. and also my gym class." dan sighed dreamily, causing louise to chuckle.

"well, see. i told you all would work out." she hugged dan tightly, and he returned it.

"wait, i need to know one thing."

"what's that?" louise asked, confused.

"how the hell did he know my name?"

A/N: whoo! double update today because I actually have motivation? that's new. anyways yeah, I know this sucks but hopefully you enjoy it cause I'm enjoying writing it.
love you my guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

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