Chapter 2

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We went back to the field. They looked at us and started talking and laughing.
"what's so funny?" I asked. "uh, nothing. Woah, Carlos what about your fear of dogs?" Mal said. "Gone, this is Dude he's friendly." he said proud and looked at Dude. "well, Jay is now in the sports team" Ben said and looked to Jay. "yes, right." Jay said proud. "what about Carlos?" I asked Ben. "uh, he was fast but I don't think he would fit in there" he said and left. "that was so clear" I said. "he always takes the good and strong boys." I continued. "it's okay, I'm fine with that." Carlos said. "really?" I said wondering. "yeah I don't think I would fit in there. I'm not like them" he said. "well then, it's quite late we should go back to our dorms" Mal said. We all went back to our dorms and I changed my clothes. Normally I was wearing a black and red leather jacket, under that a normal white shirt, black boots and white red gloves.
I just change into sweatpants and a white shirt. I layed down on my bed. We fell asleep soon, but I dreamed bad. I dreamed that the parents of Mal and the others come to Auradon and that they take their kids and rule the world. But I don't want to lose them. I sat up in my bed, it was 2 AM or something around that. Mal and Evie where asleep and don't noticed that I'm awake. I decided to climb out of the window and walk around the school to clear my mind. I climbed out of the window and down the wall. I walked a bit and then sat down on the grass. I was thinking about what they say in school about me. Yeah, I'm a Vilian but I'm sensitive too. When I was on the Isle I was living with my Aunt. She isn't a real bad Vilian like Jafar or the others. She was very rude to me. I some how started crying. But suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Carlos standing there. He was the last I expected. He sat down next me. "Hey" he simply said. "Hey" I answered him. I was too embarrassed to look him in the eyes. "How are you" he asked. "uh, not really good as you can see" I said. "what's it? Why are you crying?" he asked me. I started crying more. "hey, don't cry it's okay" he says and puts his arms around me. "it's just," I started, "in school they are mean to me. I mean, I'm supposed to be brave and evil. And yeah, I try, but when I'm alone everything comes up." I told him while still being in his arms. "that's why you're so quite around them." he says. "yeah, I am. And it reminds me of, when I was on the Isle." I then said. "oh, why?" Carlos says quite. "I lived with my Aunt, she isn't a evil Vilian like your mother. She was really rude to me. She hit me when I was late at home and she treated me like I was a mouse that is supposed to be eaten then living." I told him and again I started crying. "oh, that's terrible. But that's over, you don't have to see her again. I mean, you haven't in a year. And that with the school, we're here now. We're gonna defeat you. You don't need to be afraid, you're safe" Carlos said and looked me in the eyes. "now stop crying, I wanna see that beautiful smile that you have" he said and wipped my tears away. I smiled a little, because that was just sweet what he said. I yawned because I were tired. "there's someone tired I hear" Carlos said. "you should go to bed" he said and we stood up and went to our dorms. "thank you, I know Vilians don't say thank you, but I have to. You've helped me by listening" I said and looked to the ground. "no problem. I saw it the whole time today that there was something" he said. I felt arms around me. He hugged me. It felt like heaven. He let go and went into his dorm. "good night" he said. I couldn't answer because he was to fast. I went back to bed and fell asleep fast.

The next day, I sleep in. Evie was waking me up. "Y/N we have to go to school! Get up!" she yelled at me and was shaking me. "ugh, I'm so tired" I said. "come on, get up now" Mal said. "okay, chill" I said and got up. I changed into my clothes and got my hair ready. We grabbed our bags and went out of our dorm. We met the boys in the hall and we all together went to school. As we arrived I guess they expected more people to be in a class but it was just us 5. We sat down and waited for our math teacher. He came and started with the lesson. I sat next to Carlos and we both were completely tired because we were up till the morning this night. We didn't pay attention because we were to busy trying to stay awake. Soon the lesson was over and we all went to lunch. We sat down at the same place as yesterday.

"so, why are you guys so tired?" Mal asked and looked at me and Carlos. We looked at each other and sat up. "uhh, I couldn't sleep" is said. "me too" Carlos said. "do you really think we wouldn't notice when you sneak out?" Evie and Jay said. "uhh well maybe" I said. "I slept bad and I wanted to go for a walk" I said. "yeah and I heard that she climbed out of her window so I followed her" Carlos said. "ah, okay" the other said and smiled. I rolled my eyes and concentrated back to my food. I saw Audrey walking near our table and I knew what would come.
"well well well, y/n how long to you wear these clothes now? Don't you have any other or don't you just wash them?" she said and the other people laughed. "leave her Audrey" Carlos said and stood up. "ah, I'm the princess you should respect me" she said and stepped back. "well, we don't respect people until they respect us" he said loud. Audrey walked away. Carlos sat back down. He looked at me and smiled. There was something in his eyes that I can't explain, it's so beautiful. I smiled back at him, and we continued talking. The lunch was over soon and we went back to class. Today was the day where the parents can visit their children. We sat down on our seats and the fairy of goodness came in. "soo, how you may know today the parents of the children get at Auradon can visit them, yours can't be here because of... Reason, but I got a surprise for you" she said and smiled. She walked to the computer and switched it on. Malifecent, Jafar, Grimhilde and Cruela De Vil appeared and seemed to be struggling with their laptop. They fixed it soon and saw their children. "ohh Evie how beautiful" her mother said. Malifecent acted creepy she it seemed like she wanted to remind them or something. But she got speaken of by Cruela. "ah, Carlos is that a dog in your hand?!" she yelled through the computer. "yeah, that's a perfect sice for a pet!" he yelled at her. "yours just stuffed, get real!" he also said. Jafar and Cruela started to fight and Jay switched the computer off. I stood up and came to them. "I'm so sorry" I said and looked at them. They turned around and walked away. I decided not to follow them, because they didn't looked good. I went to my room and layed down on my bed. After about an hour Evie and Mal came back. I turned around and they still didn't looked good. Carlos and Jay also came in and sat down in the ground. Carlos came to me.

"what was Malifecents mission? What did she wanted to tell you? I hear something with a Wand" I said carefully. They looked at me and it became kinda creepy. "well, our parents want us to steal the magic wand" Evie then said quite. "oh really? But you'll have to go back to the Isle if you get caught!" is said to them. I don't want them to go back. "we know, but we have to" Mal said and left, behind her the other. Before Carlos left he looked back at me, he turned and left. 30 minutes ago I went to the boys dorm. I found all of them there. "okay hey, listen guys" I said. They looked up to me. "I'm going to help you guys, I know where it is and how we can get it" I said. "really?" Mal said and stood up. "but you have to promise you don't tell Ben" she said. I laughed, "I won't don't worry". "okay then we have that now" Carlos said, "y/n come help me to find the way". I went over to him and his laptop. I sat down in front of it and started to type something. I felt his eyes over my shoulders. "here, it's pretty near" I then said and turned the laptop to the others. "okay, then let's go" Mal said. "wait" Evie said, "wear this" she handed me a leather jacket, white and black with furry on it. The jeans was white, black and red. The shoes were normal boots. "wait, but then I look similar to Carlos" I said. "don't worry, if they see us on camera they can't tell who is who" Mal said. I went over to my dorm and changed my clothes. I went back to them. As soon as I went through the door they all turned around and couldn't say anything. "what? Is it horrible?" is said worried. "n-no, it's perfect" Carlos said and looked at me. "then let's go we don't have the whole night" Mal said.

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