Hazel Eyes

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You stand there in front of the mirror, 

brushing through layered hair 

that projects the sun's warmth. 

Your face is weathered from times gone by

but this is not old leather. 

Eyebrows arched with a kind expression, 

years worth of smiles 

locked away in the corners of your mouth. 

Your voice rings out like a pixie bell, 

enveloping the room in your presence. 

You turn to face me slowly and smile. 

Your scarf cascades over your shoulder. 

Looking at you now, nobody 

would be able to see 

the secrets behind those hazel eyes. 

Like a rabbit in the headlights, 

you widen those eyes. 

Why am I smiling at you?

Grinning like the Cheshire Cat, 

I replace your scarf. 

I just think you're beautiful

and I wish you could see the same. 

A Collection of Poetry Vol. IWhere stories live. Discover now