"I am not. I know it was you as soon as I saw you inside the dining room"

"No I am not y/n. How many time do I need to told you that I am not Y/n!!"

"Stop with the act Y/n. If you want to escape from here, let's go now. Jimin allow me to take you out of here" he tried to pulled my hand but I yank it away

"I don't even know you"

"I'm Kim Taehyung. Taetae?"

"No. I don't know you" Taehyung sighed in sadness

Little did I knows that someone is listening in satisfaction outside the room. But Taehyung knows it

"I hope you still remember me"

"i'm sorry but I did not remember you at all"

"But do you know that your name is y/n?" I shook my head

"It was Soo Jin for the whole time"

"No it is not" he said as he took something out of his pocket. "Here"

Wait it was me when I am before child. I knew it was me but I never remember this scene in my life. When did this picture were taken?

"You don't remember?" I shook my head

"This me and this is you. We've known each other since we were young but after that incident... we lost contact"

"What incident?"

"The day when I was chang—"

"Enough" Taehyung bowed to him and I did the same to 'respect' him

"I think you should go back to your palace now Taehyung"

"I think so too"

Why are you being nice to him?!

I know that they could hear me and that is why I thought of it. Jimin looks taken back and scoffed

"I'm leaving for now Soo—"

"Y/n. It's y/n now" Taehyung smiled to me making me smile to him back

"See you soon Y/n" he said and walked away. My smiled fade when that jerk appear in my sight

"What do you want now? You just leave me for god knows how long without any food. Did you even use your brain?" I said while crossing my arms

"Cut it off. I don't like that attitude. I can be nice to people but after I receive one. And if your first expression about me is good, I can change it if you don't behave" Shiver down my spine as he said that "Good. Now I need you to tell me what were you doing that night?"

"Which night?" He rolled his eyes then sat in the edge of the bed

"The night when I found you unconscious. What are you doing there?"

"As you know, I lost most of my memories so I could not remember any of it" he rolled his eyes again

"Just tell me the truth"

"Why would I hide it from you. I will not get any benefits from lying" I scoffed at him

He groaned "You making my job even more hard"

"I don't ask for it"

"Nevermind" he said and walk to the door. The door were open by the guard and he was about to leave when

"Ahhh *I hold my temples* It's hurt" I saw him turn his heel toward me then scoffed

"I'm not stupid" he smirked but it all fade when he saw me almost fell down

Jimin POV
I tried to hold my laughed at her acting but suddenly she lost her balance and almost fell when I grabbed her waist and stop her from falling. Her eyes were close now. I shake her body but no sign in wake up

"Get Gong Wi here now!!" I shouted and received a lot of footsteps outside.

I place her on the bed and heard she mumbled something

"Don't hurt me! Don't"

Hurt? Who'd hurt you?

"Sir" Gong Wi bowed and went to check on her. After he done, he give me 'she is fine' look "Nothing bad happen. I heard that she have headache before she fainted isn't it?" I nodded at him "Maybe she is trying to regain her memories back to her. That is why she fainted due to many memories coming at one time"

A groans can be heard coming from y/n

Cute Gong Wi look at me I forgot to cut the connection

"I guess you're interest in her" I keep my cold expression as she opened her eyes

"Ma'am, are you okay?"

"What happen to me?" she kept massaging her temples

"Do you remember anything? Especially before you fainted?" she closed her eyes trying to remember

"The-there is a group of men with horses coming toward me and trying to do something bad to me. I don't know what it is but I begged for them not to hurt me"

Is it her old memory or her future?

"Anything else?" she looked up to me

"You! *she pointed to me* You save me from falling from the tree"

"So you remember that night"

"I did?" I nodded at her

I guess she really lost her memories. But why she said that her name is Soo Jin?

"Do you remember their face?" she nodded making me excited to hear but I was taken back after she said



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