Chapter Two

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When Lyall returned inside, her mother understood her frustration the instant she saw her.

"Me daughter, are ye in good sense?" she whispered to her. "You look troubled and ready to fight."

Lyall raised her head and looked straight to her mother with decisive and determined eyes. "I have met one of the King's distinguished warriors. They are all insufferable!"

"Did he dae something to ye?" her mother asked.

Lyall looked at her mother and you could see the fighting spirit throwing its blaze all over her body. "No one would dare mother!"

She felt like someone was watching her and suddenly noticed Iain smiling with his eyes fixed on her. She averted her eyes and took her place. She would not like anyone to realize she had actually exchanged words with one of the King's propitious men. The last thing she needed was rumors about her take over the new court.

At that moment Robert the Bruce made a signal for the orchestra to stop. He raised and took some moments for silence to spread its waves. Once the audience seemed prepared, the King started speaking loudly and clearly.

"Me people, nobles and warriors. We have gathered here today to celebrate nay me victory. But the victory of Scotland. As all these years have been a slaughter amongst Alba's bairns, our nation has been divided. It tore me heart to see our villages burn, our mothers losing their children and brave warriors fall in the battle. I can assure ye. Their sacrifice willnae be in vain.

I ken most of the noble ones here are defeated and they believe that I have nae right to the throne. But God took over this battle and God has proven me the rightful heir."

At these words, there was commotion in the room. As it was known Robert the Bruce had fatally wounded John Comyn in a church. Many had considered it a blasphemy and a certain sign that Robert the Bruce was not fitted to be a King.

"I ken that ye believe me to be a Godless man. But I am telling ye it was God that kept me alive wounded in the mountains, it was God that led me hand to every battle and every riot against the tyrants we had to suffer.

Bringing together our people will be nae easy task. It is not a battle that brings peace. It is a constant decision to live the day together as one. As God Almighty would have liked us to dae.

I called ye here nae to celebrate only. But to build the foundations for a strong and independent Scotland."

At these words a loud cheer broke the silence and filled the room with excitement and enthusiasm. Robert the Bruce waved to signal the continuum.

"And that is not a work of Bannockburn. Nor the battles' before that. It is the work of this very night.

I summon here Iain Domnail of Cobalt and Malcolm Brenan."

Malcolm had just reentered the room with his spirits high and gave a look at Iain. The latter raised and started going towards the King. Lyall felt agitated. Somehow she sensed danger and looked at the door. If only I had the chance to escape now...

When the two men sat by the king, Lyall started prying Iain. His quite tall figure gave him a demanding presence. His black hair was curly and up to his shoulders. He resembled a peregrine falcon with his blue eyes, sharp nose and square face. Every limp of his body proved his strength and some obvious scars could tell that he had survived many battles. In different circumstances Lyall would have liked the man. Now he reminded her of all the catastrophes her land had suffered.

Robert the Bruce touched the shoulders of his two best warriors.

"These two men have shown loyalty, bravery and Scottish fierceness more than once in the years they fought by my side. They have me complete trust. As they both lack the title and fortune suitable for their character I have decided to give them their bride. Before the end of the night the two will decide who is to marry Lady Elspeth Campell, Mistress of the Fortress Hermor, Daughter of the Duke of Hermor and Lady Lyall Falconer, Mistress of the Fortress of Astolat, daughter of the Duke of Astolat.

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