"A possible proposal?"- chapter 40

Start from the beginning

Later on...
"He refuses to speak to anyone but me or Clary?" I scoffed, glaring at Jonathan from behind the glass. "Well then... let me in."

"No, if you get any closer to him, you're only gonna strengthen his power over you." Jace frowned.

"I can handle it better then Clary. Besides as long as Alec's here, I'll be fine." I muttered, glancing at Alec. Who was currently staring into the cell.

"And right here is where I'll stay if I let you in there with him." Alec mumbled, not breaking eye contact with Jonathan. I walked into the cell, taking once last glance at Alec before I turned to face Jonathan.

"Don't worry, I don't bite." He scoffed, noticing how far away I'm stood from him.

"Where is the Morning Star sword?" I demanded, deciding to ignore any of his mind games he would try to use.

"I missed you too, little sister." He smiled so creepily that I shivered in disgust.

"Shut up. Tell me where the sword is. We know it's capable of opening a rift into Edom. Is that why you want it? To release demons?" I demanded again.

"It's a Morgenstern family heirloom. It belongs in the hands of its rightful owners... us." He scoffed. I raised an eyebrow at him as his eyes glanced behind me. "Your boyfriend is keeping an awfully close eye on you, isn't he"

"Do you think he feels guilty that he allowed you to be defenceless against Lilith's dark influence..." he scoffed, clearly trying to taunt Alec.

"I'm not here to listen to a recap of the unfortunate 'things' that has happened in my life." I spat, grabbing his attention away from Alec. "If you don't want to answer anymore of my questions, we're done here... have fun in the Gard."

"Wait." He groaned, stopping me from walking out of the cell. "I'll tell you everything you wanna know if you just stay a little longer."

"Well spit it out, I'm listening." I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest as I leaned against the cells glass.

"I didn't even know you existed, Alissa... until not so long ago. I'd been in Edom for what felt like an eternity. That was where for the first time I heard the names, Annalise and Clarissa Morgenstern. It was like music to my ears. I felt something that I had never felt before. Hope." He mumbled, showing little to no emotion.

"What the hell does this have to do with the sword?" I scoffed.

"Everything. That moment changed everything for me. I realised that you were only person out of two people that I needed. I felt it. Finally, I had a pair of twin sisters to fight by my side. Not against me, not in spite of me, but with me. Everything I do, is for you and Clary. I want the Morning Star sword for you. For us..."

"No... you're hiding something." I smirked "You don't want me to know what your plan is. It'll make me hate you."

"You can't hate me. I'm your brother." He chuckled as I scoffed. "And I would never hide anything from you."

"So, how did you hear about the sword?" I asked, leaning off the wall and walking slowly towards him.

"Mother." He spat. "She told me about it. I'd been in Edom just a few years. I was still naive enough to think that my time there was temporary." Though he had the chains that held his arms up, somehow he was able to grab my shoulder and I was pulled into a vision. A huge run down castle that overlooked a sea of lava. I flinched back away from him touch making the image disappear.

"Alissa, where are you going?" Jonathan whispered, looking puzzled as I stared at him with wide eyes before I ran out of the room. "Alissa?"

"So the sword can only be used by someone with Morgenstern blood. That's good news." Jace mumbled as I shuddered when I saw the image again. Where have I seen that castle before?

"It doesn't matter what he's planning. As long as he's locked up in here we don't have to worry." Alec sighed. I took one look at the boys before walking straight past them. Feeling Alec hot on my trails, I ran into our room and harshly pulled the doors of the wardrobe open.

"Oh come on, where is it?" I whispered to myself as I started to throw things out of the wardrobe and onto the floor. Finally I found the box I was looking for and placed it down onto the bed. Pulling my old sketchbooks that I kept back when I tried to paint with Clary when we were younger. In the first sketchbook I found a picture of a tower surrounded by flames.

"Allie, what are you doing?" Alec panted, running through the door. His eyes glanced down at all the open sketchbook on the bed "I thought you didn't paint?"

"I did when I was younger, I always used to practice with Clary but I wasn't very good." I stuttered, my hands shaking as I quickly flipped though pages. "When I was just a little girl, I always had this one nightmare that just kept coming back. It was that bad I would wake up screaming. My mum thought if I tried to draw what I was seeing, they could start to go away." I gasped in surprise as I found an actually good drawing of a worn down castle surrounded by lava just like the one Jonathan showed me.

"You kept dreaming about a boy in a burning tower?" Alec asked, not taking his eyes off the drawing.

"In the nightmare, there was this evil queen that kept her prince in a burning tower, so that he could never love anyone but her. And I was the princess that was supposed to rescue him." I sighed, showing him another drawing where I actually used colour. "Every time I would climb up to that tower, just as I'd reach the top... I would fall. I never made it to the top. I can still hear his screams. It was him."

"The Prince was Jonathan." Alec sighed.

"Maybe... maybe I was supposed to save him." I scoffed, not making any eye contact with him. "But I didn't. I couldn't..."

"No, Alissa hey." Alec sighed, taking the sketchbook out of my hands and placed his hands on my cheeks, to make me look at him. "If this even was a message from the angels... you were just a little girl."

"Yeah, but if I had known I could of saved him from years of torture. Maybe he wouldn't be who he is today. Imagine if that was me in his place. Would I of turned just like him?"

"It was already too late. You couldn't of changed him. You still can't. Jonathan is who he is." Alec sighed, giving me an reassuring smile before pulling me into his chest for a tight hug...

Later on...
"Hey Magnus... what are you doing?" I frowned, watching him as he quickly slammed the door of his bedside table shut. "What do you have to hide from me?"

"Nothing" he replied casually, making me sigh and pull open the door. I chuckled slightly at the sight of at least 10 glass bottles of martini hiding in there. "You could of at least offered me a drink."

"I didn't think you would approve since my tolerance to alcohol now isn't... bearable." He shrugged, staring at himself in the mirror before he started to mess with his hair "A grey hair?"

"What?" I mumbled, walking over to the mirror to see there was indeed a small strand of grey hair in the palm of his hand. The first thought that ran threw my head was that he's going to grow old and eventually die like the rest of us ShadowHunters. "Well... I think I need a drink." Magnus smiled slightly before handing me a glass that I instantly emptied...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2019 ⏰

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