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Henry and Taylor went out for supper the next evening to celibrate their sucsess with the fungie and Henry knew that at that moment was his chance. Henry stood up went beside Taylor got down on one knee andsaid "Taylor I love you with all of my heart so with this ring and this hand i ask you to marrie me". Taylor was soo overwelmed she couldn't speek it took her a while but she finaly had an answer "Yes, oh yes I will marrie you Henry." and at that timehe knew that he has the girl of his dreams.

Henry decided to go back to Ceadar Vill one last time to show His parents his fiancay and invite them to ther wedding. As soon as Henry and Taylor got to Ceadar Vill Henry's parents were estatic to see him alive after four years of being on the road. As they went to his house he thought to himself thathe would never see this place again but he mad it home at last. All that was left to do was find his parents and tell them what is happening and what they can do to help.

Henry found his parents in the same spot that he left them it home waiting for him to come back. As they entered the house Henry's parents greated him with big hugs and then asked him "Henry who is this with youc she is just so beautiful". So Henry replied to his parents "This beautiful young lady is my fiancay and I love her with all of my heart". His parents were is shock for about twenty minuits until Taylor started to introduce herself to Henry's parents. After that his parents snaped out and let them in to the house,they had many questions for Henry and Taylor likewhere they met, how they fell in love, and when did they realize that they loved eachouther.

So Henry and Taylor answered all of their questions truthfuly and with their heart in each questions. After those questions were over Henry's parents of when is the wedding going to take place.

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