Sanskar hesitated, but steeled up. "For once, be selfish then."

Laksh looked at him in disbelief. "What!?"

"Yeah, be selfish! Why must you always be the one to sacrifice? Isn't sacrificing your entire life for me enough? You gave up your dreams, your wishes, even your morals for me. Let me help you get out. Can't you allow me to do the same for you...just this once?"

"Sanskar's right Laksh. Let us help you."

"But...but...ugh!" Laksh sighed in frustration. "I can't just burden you like this Adarsh."

Adarsh shook his head. "No I'm not burdened." he came near and placed a hand on Laksh's shoulder. "Laksh, you and Sanskar are family to me. And for you both, I can do anything. If Bhalla saheb was alive, he would have wanted the same. He saw you as his son Laksh. More than the business, he would have wanted your happiness."

Laksh felt like a child wanting to weep in their parents' arms. Adarsh was like a parent for him. He so badly wanted to hug. "Man, must you be this convincing. You're so annoying, both of you!" he chided, covering up his vulnerable state.

Sanskar chuckled. "Adarsh, I take it as him saying thanks to you. He looks about to cry."

"Shut up! It's all your fault!"

"Oi oi! You're the one crying. Not me!"

"Well, you made me!"

"Hahaha! So you admit you're crying?" Adarsh joked.

'There goes my male pride.' Laksh glared at their smirking faces. "Whatever!"

"Emotions aren't weaknesses bro. It's okay to cry."

"Yeah yeah, whatever!" Laksh sneered. "Let's get some nail polish, some clips and braid each others' hair like high school girls next. You're making me that sappy."

"You're a jerk. I was only trying to console you."

"I never asked you to."

"Ungrateful monkey."

"Chicken hair."

Adarsh chuckled at their antics. He walked forward and pulled them into a hug. "Go boys. Go and live your life. I'll take care of the gang. You both go and be the man your girls would want you to be." seeing them turn teary eyed again, he groaned. "Aww...cry babies the both of you!" Adarsh joked. However, he himself couldn't keep his own tears from appearing.

#Next day#


Ragini looked at him with a bright smile. "Finally! You're here!"

"Yep! But you still didn't say why you called me here."

"Well, I'll tell you. But first answer me one thing." Ragini placed her hand on her chin in thought, narrowing her eyes at him in the process. "Why do you look so happy today?"

Laksh shrugged, the smile never leaving his face. "Because."

"Because is not an answer."

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