"Its true Noona." Your eyes then moved to Taehyung when he said that. You looked at their eyes, trying to find a clue that they were indeed joking about this but you only see their serious expression and that when you realize, they are indeed telling the truth.

"What am I then?" You asked them in a low cracking voice and suddenly fall down on your knee. You don't even know why. You just feel your knee weaken and that make you fall down.

"Noona..." They crouched down to you, surprised by your sudden fall. That when you remember the Polaroid picture that you found on his drawer the other day. No wonder that girl seems familiar when you first saw her standing in front of the building. That was her. That when you suddenly remember you found a note stating 'I miss you' attached together with the picture. That also when you remember when did you hear the name and from who.

"She left Yoongi hyung two years ago to move with her mother since her mother remarry with a foreigner. But they never decided to break their relationship." Namjoon stop mid sentence when he realize your eyes flooded with tears.

"And?" You said it in whisper but they still able to hear you.

"They loss contact a year ago. That when you came to his life Noona." That when your eyes could not hold it anymore.

"Hyung stop." Taehyung then pull you into his body and enveloped you into a hug. Among his members, you are very close to Taehyung. He's like your little brother.

"Shhh Noona, everything will be..."

"I am fine Tae." You interrupted him and detached your body from him. You stood up, wiped out the tears harshly and walked towards the door before Namjoon grab your arm to stop you.

"Let go Joon." You said that without turning to him.

"And just let you go like this? No. You need to hear Yoongi hyung's point of view regarding this matter."

"Who said I am running away?" You're now glaring at him.

"I am meeting him... And her if she's still here."


You punched in the password on Yoongi's door and its automatically open after that. You were not surprise when you see Yoongi was not there. You took a sit on the chair and few minutes after that, you then heard the password sound been punched in. You stood up. Getting ready to confront both of them. But to your surprise, when Yoongi open the door she's not with him. You observed his eyes. Look like he just cried and you immediately went to him.

"Are you okay?" You caresses his cheek. He smile slightly. But then we were interrupted when you heard a knock from the door.

"Yoongi, I am not done explaining." You heard the voice from outside. Yoongi eyes laid on you. Did he just left her without fully listening to her explanation? or did he left her because he remembered you're still here? You then slowly turned your heels towards the door before Yoongi stop you when he hugs you from behind.

"Don't." You heard his whispering voice.

"Yoongi please..." She begged. She sounds so desperate. You closed your eyes momentarily and let go his arm from you and turned to face him. You let out a long breath.

"Finish what you started with her or just start over again with her." You said that without showing any emotion and with that being said, you walked towards the door and for the last time, you turned your body to him and he stood there confused to what you just said to him. You smile slightly to him. To cover your sadness, your disappointment to this sudden news and heartbreak because you just realized that you were actually a third party to their relationship.

When you open the door, she was startles when she saw you but then she just walked past you and entered Yoongi's studio. You closed the door slowly before going to the elevator and exited the building.

You did not go home straightly after that. Rather you went to the park. A park where you can see a lots of colorful flower because you thought nature could really calm you. But you were wrong. You sat there on one of the bench and cry alone. Thank God its not weekend, so there's not so many people.

You know you're not supposed to give up with this. But you can't do anything if Yoongi still love her. How do you know this? Because you heard he said her name few times during his sleep saying don't leave him and said that he still love her and will be waiting for her. This is the reason why her name sounds familiar when Namjoon uttered her name today. You heard it from Yoongi before this without him knowing about it.

Beside this, after today you realize that you were intruding into someone's relationship. So you wiped away your tears, and assured yourself that you'll be just fine because this not your first heartbreak. Your phone vibrated at the same time. You unlocked your phone and his messages showed on the screen. Only one sentence.

Come back here. - Yoongi

Give me time. - You

You turned off your phone after sending the message. You're not running away from him rather you were just giving him a little space between you and him to think over about all of this.

HappinessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ