From the corner of my eyes I saw Aunt Mary walking out of the bathroom. Deontei tried helping me get up, I let out a piercing scream from the pain that went through my body.

"You can't expect her to walk Deontei, carry her." Aunt Mary commanded.

I really love this woman. She has loved me as a daughter from the very first time she met me.

She said she had a good feeling that I would help Jacques change from his bad ways but I guess her feeling was wrong.

I shuddered in Deontei's arms as he walked me into the bathroom. He slowly placed me in the bathtub and I let out a painful wail when the water touched my body.

"It's okay Diamond." Deontei tried comforting me. "I'm calling Doctor Banjeri right now."

He then walked out.

I feel so humiliated and ashamed. This is like the 5th or 6th time Deontei is seeing me half naked and I can tell it's killing him cause I'm his brothers girlfriend, it's not right for him to see my boobs are private areas all the time and he mostly sees it cause he is always the first to rush in when Jacques is done.

I quietly sobbed with my head laying on my arm which was resting on the edge of the bathtub.

"Please stop crying my daughter." Aunt Mary said on the floor leaning on the bathtub.

"I'm just trying to figure out what I ever did to Jacques." I cried. "Am I wrong for loving him."

"It's okay baby." She cried along with me. "It breaks my heart to know that I'm the one that birthed this monster which is basically ruining your life."

"I want to hate him Aunt, I really want to hate him and kill him but I can't." I sobbed. "My heart is disappointing me cause I can't help but continue loving him."

"It's okay." She tried comforting me but that didn't stop me from crying.

"Why do I still love him Aunt." I cried out.

After my mom disowned me Jacques became my only family and I think that's what got to his head.

The fact that he is the only one that I have made him feel like he had power over me and me not having a family made me more vulnerable.

He knows I have no one and nowhere to go, that's why he's treating me this way.

"I would advice you to run away but I don't want you to go through that situation ever again." Aunt Mary sighed.

When things started getting unbearable with Jacques I tried running away. One of my friends Kimberly who is part of Jacques's gang tried helping me escape.

She distracted the guards as I climbed out the window and ran into the woods.
I ran for an hour straight until I reached a road which led to some patrol station.

The man working there was so kind to give me a place to rest inside but when night time came, Jacques and his guys found me.

On our way out of the station I saw the man's lifeless body laying in his own pool of blood with multiple gunshot wounds.

I knew that was all Jacques. He always told me that if I ever try to run away he will find me and kill the person that tried to help me.

When we got back to his house he beat me black and blue. I woke up after 5 days with a concussion, broken leg, busted eardrum and lots more.

It took years to completely recover and during those years the beatings never stopped.

If someone owed him money or stole his drugs all that anger finished on my body, I was his personal punching bag.

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