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Jacob sat an alarm early for us to get up, and Jacob insists on sight seeing. so we get dressed and meet eachother in the car. we scheduled this duringour engagement. 

 we wait for our tour guide to see the most gorgeous sunrise at Haleakala. the tour guide said it was a massive shiled guide. jacob squirmed. Now he can say he saw a volcano with his wife. 

"will it erupt?" he asks all nervous. 

"it hasn't erupted in two hundred years love." I giggle. through the dark ribbons of orange appear. the biggest star still glowing in the sky. the clouds floating higher, and higher. 

then we head to a aquarium to see some Hawaii fish. and different animals. what really got me was the dolphin arena. a place you watch dolphins jump, eat, pet them, swim with them. ect. 

they're slimy, like slugs or something. Maui was gorgeous. but according to Jacob not as gorgeous as me. 

"you look like that fish." Jacob says pointing at a Monk Fish. apparently they're super delicious.  I compared him to a Eel. he laughed and dragged me back to the sharks to explain to me why they're supposedly so cute. 

"can we get one?" he asks. 

"oh yes Jacob. lets get a frickin shark so it can live in our, bathtub?  we aren't at a dog pound love." I reply. 

"if you really want a shark i'll get you a baby one that doesn't grow." I finally say. and now we're getting a baby pet shark. 

he got excited and hasn't shut up about it but that's okay.

then we went for food. I got sushi and Jacob got a lobster. that everyone watched him play with. 

he eventually ate it. 

then we went back to the hotel sweet, and went swimming in the ocean right near us. it wasn't horribly crowded. children ran into the ocean. adults too. 

we blew up our floaties. which took forever.  

and floated and splashed eachother. he took his feet and kicks water at me.

"I am your wife. this is unexcetable!" I squirmed and swam away from him. 

"No Will come back. What if there are sharks?" he asks.

 "you're such a baby. didn't you want one earlier?" I reply

"no i'll beat a bitch or make a pet. but I wanna make sure you'll be okay." he says. 

I giggle and stay close to him. 

"that girl won't stop staring at me." Jacob says. 

"what girl?" I ask him.

"the blonde on the beach tanning." he says. not pointing but showing ish. "go talk to her." I say. 

"no." he says.    "okay then I will." I say. he doesn't stop me and takes my floatie. 

I swim. nonchalantly. 

she isn't paying attention to me but she continues to stare at Jacob. I grab my towl and and dry off a little. then I go sit beside her-ish. to look like i'm tanning too. 

she pulls her cat sunglasses off to see Jacob get out of the ocean. "do you know him?" she asks me. "yep." I tell her. "is he single?" she asks me. 

"married, actually." I say. 

"oh, well wives don't mean anything. sure, they're a challenge but they aren't impossible." she says. 

"yeah well, this wife is. stop staring at my husband. Unless you want yours to know what you're doing. and you aren't tanning orrectly sweetie." I say laying back. 

"uh. you don't know if i'm married!" she says staring at me. 

"your tan line is lighter on your left hand in the accurate spot wedding bands go. and by my assumption, he's a big billionare businessman. showing your earrings. that's really bad publicity if you get caught cheating. and you look like a barbeque chip. don't look at my husband." I say getting up and going back to Jacob. 

he told me he changed his mind about getting a shark and will settle for a gold fish later on. 

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