People grow up gosh! Nobody wants to see it! Boys just just no!

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I just hate it how these 7th grader act like Pre-Kers, 7TH GRADERS! Like really grow the f*ck up. We have this grad-and-go thing in the mornings at my school and we have these paper bag to put our food in okay and these 7th graders takes the bag blows in them and pops them in peoples faces! I swear you'd think for 7th graders they'd know how to act. They aint even actin their age their actin like a 4&5 year old. Please if your in the 7th grade and your school has a grab-and-go where yall put yalls food in

it please and i mean please dont blow them up and pop them in peoples faces thats just going to get u jumped trust me cause ima bout to jump this one kid that goes to my school cause he's stupid and touches peoples food when their eating so they cant eat no more and UGHHH please dont be like him cause if you are then your going to get jumped.... a lot. And these 7th Graders wearing booty shorts that if u bend over your a$$ shows, honey nobody wants to see that sh*t. And wearing shirts that cut WAY to low an shows your half your boobs (girls only lol) , NOBODY WANTS TO SEE IT SO COVER IT UP!! And theres this lesbian at my school and shes touching everybody in the wrong spots (talkin about girls again) like she grabs them their places that us girls dont show out in public girls you know what im talking about and im like you f*ckin do it to me and your gonna get your a$$ kicked. Like for real! Boys do not and i mean do not slap a girl in her butt, or boobs we dont want your nasty hands there so dont do it. People who think their all that be actin like they run everything and everybody. Like b*tch please you dont run sh*t. And to every boy that calls a girl a slut when shes a Virgin, GET YOUR D*MN FACTS CORRECT BEFORE YOU SAY SH*T LIKE THAT!!!! im sorry this was kinda long i could have done more but ill save that for another time 😉😉 ;) ;) okay love yall so very much (nh (no homo)) and ill see yall on the flip side buh-bye! <3 ❤️

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