1. Tea? No thanks.

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It was a normal day in Sydney, a bit chilly outside but that didn't stop me from shopping. Walking through the streets holding several bags and just enjoying the day, but obviously that didn't last long. One minute I'm thinking of what to wear tomorrow, then the next thing I knew someone 'accidentally' bumped into me... along with the hot tea he was holding.

"H-HHOTTTTT!!! WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR?!?!?!?!" I say well... more like scream.

"Are you ok? I'm soooo sorry!" Says Louis, who was responsible for me being soaked in TEA!!!

"Yeahhh... I'm fine. *Notice the sarcasm* It was only BOILING HOT... WHATEVER YOU SPILLED ALL OVER ME!!!”

"Tea." Liam said, slightly unsure if he should've answered that or not.

"Like I care." I muttered under my breath, while giving him the death stare.

"..... OH SH*T THEY'RE COMING!" Said Louis, the one who spilt tea on me earlier.

And me, obviously not paying attention, was being dragged against my will by one of them. "H-HEY!!! LET GO OF MEEE!!!" I couldn't see who it was that had me, because I got swept off of my feet so fast.

Although despite all my attempts I couldn't get out of his grip. (I'm actually pretty weak irl so... yeah)

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

After they stopped in an alleyway, Niall said in relief, "I think we lost them, thank gawd. Now my chicken drumstick will be safe."  " What ? " Said Liam, Slightly confused.

After I got a chance to catch my breath, I burst out and exclaimed "ARE YOU SCREWED UP OR SOMETHING!??!?! WHY DID YOU DRAG ME HERE?!?!?"

One of the guys, which turned out to be Louis, who also had the strong grip of my wrist, let go of my arm (FINALLY!!!) and said "Oh damn... Sorry... We had to get away from those fans... and I guess we accidentally dragged you along"

*sighhhh* "Gosh, you guys are more trouble than you're worth... Wait... Why? Don't normal people like having fans???”

"Of course we do!!! ... But we wanted to take a look around before the concert... Since we have to rest up and leave after." Said Harry.

"And this was the only time we could sneek past the guards." Added Zayn.

"... Guards?... Fans?... Concert?...." I say as I stand there looking at them trying to figure out who they are exactly... 'Well.... They do look a bit familiar.... But I just can't put my finger on it....'

We all basicly just stood there for a good 2 whole minutes until Liam said, sounding slightly confused " One Direction ?..."

"Pardon?" I say in shock.

"....... We're One Direction......" Liam repeated once more.

"One Direction...?" I say while still deep in thought, it was really bugging me that I feel like I've seen or heard them from somewhere but I just don't remember.

"Yes....." They all look at me like weirdly like I was someone who's been living under a rock.

'One Direction.............................ONE DIRECTION!!!' (This is the part where I mentally puke out my lunch.... Jokes.... Please don't hurt me!)

"ONE DIRECTION!!!" I immediately cover my mouth after saying that.

"Oh damn we should start running again!! " Zayn said, sounding terrified.


"... Well... Umm... Just to be clear... You didn't know we were One Direction?" Niall questions me.

"No, I don't exactly listen to 'normal' music or pay attention to 'normal' social media.... BUT I DON'T LIVE UNDER A ROCK DAMMIT!!! SO STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!!!” I say while crossing my arms.

"Damn... She's really starting to get annoying” Harry mutters under his breath, trying to not let me hear him.

"Shut up." I say, extremely annoyed by this point.

"Well... If there's anything you need we could make it up to you...?" Says Harry.

Then it hit me, Katt's the reason I know about them.... Yep, all her fault.... I'll kill her after *sigh* "..... Well you guys are going to New Zealand next right?"

"Yeah?" Liam said, wondering where this could be going.

"Hmmm.... Well firstly buy me a new shirt! Oh, and Second... Send VIP tickets to my friend in New Zealand, you better give her a shoutout for me also ! " I exclaim.

One of the guys instantly jumped up and said "We can do better than that! We'll give you VIP tickets too-"

Louis says, with enthusiasm.

"NO THANKS!!! I'm all good!!!"

".... Oh okay." Said Niall, with a tear trickling down his cheek.

Liam pats him on the back then turns to me, and says "I know we've caused you so much trouble already but... Could we ask you for a favour?"

"Umm... Sure...?"

"Can you show us where our hotel is?"


The End.


Sorry if they seem out of character, I only know this much since my friend usually talks about them.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2014 ⏰

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