All about Me

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There's me.

My favorite episode: I have too many but probably "A Washington Affair Part 2", "Point Blank" and the "All That Matter"

Favorite Male Character: Byron Sully. I'd I had to pick another it would be Andrew Cook.

Favorite Female Character: Michaela Quinn. She's literally the best but a second would be Dorothy or Myra

Favorite part of the show: that all the characters weren't perfect. There was a good balance between highs and lows.

Least favorite part of the show: I've said it a million time. Season six had too many sad episodes and never built up enough joy to satisfy it to be an ending.

Best Character Change: Jake Slicker.  At the beginning of the show he was mean to everyone but he eventually learned to love, read and be genuinely nice

I love this show so much that I'm watching for the fourth time and still in love with it. It just makes me happy to have a show with a female lead who overcomes the odds and doing whatever she puts her mind to doing. I love How Sully and Michaela's relationship went. They didn't force each other to love, it came naturally. You could see it in Sully from the second episode. They never stopped fighting for each other.  Kinda confused that they named their daughter "Kathrine" considering the lady in "Another Woman" was named Cathrine.

I loved how people grew and changed in positive direction over six years.  Colorado Springs has such interesting people that were historically accurate most of the time. I'd love to write more and discuss the show with people. If you have any discussion topics we'll do those too and the comments will be free to discuss!

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