Questionable scenes (revised on 6/26/19)

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Questionable Scenes that my logical brain didn't quite figure out.

Hank can't read until season 6, how is it that he can read Dorothy's book and write a sign in Deal with the Devil and has written his grandmother about his "family"

In season 1-3 where does Sully keep his clothes. He does have some nice suits

Does sully eat a raw egg? In Reason to Believe he's poked a hole in an eggshell and eaten the inside. (It's perfectly fine. Only 1 in 20000 eggs Have salmonella)

Does Preston like Michaela, in Dead or Alive he seems to insult Sully, saying that's he's domesticated from the mountain man he was. He then continues to say that Sully wishes to be alone again to be free. Preston says Michaela has "a leash too tight on him and he comes when she calls and cooks for her" he then proceeds to say Michaela deserves better than a wild man and that she's "firey and remarkably sensual" (meaning he been looking at her sexually even though she's married and pregnant at the time. He calls her by her first name which only Sully, Dorothy, Andrew and the Reverend does

In Hostage, Sully gets shot in the stomach but manages to mount his horse, ride off, get the bullet out, climb the house and beat a guy up. Wouldn't he have passed out from blood loss or damage to the intestines first? He does treat his wounds but that's not really enough. From where he was shot, the bullet would have probably ruptured his intestines first, killing him quickly . He fought with Currier who kicked him in the stomach several times and he gets up walking around.

I'm Remember Me, Katie is with her parents when they're at Jake's father's grave but not driving there or back( I realized she's in a basket in the wagon kinda likes car seat)

In The Tempest, Sully is holding Katie as she is awake, when the camera is returned over to him she is sound asleep with her head on his shoulder

Grace has reading glasses but the first time she ever wears them is in Separate But Equal

In a place to die, Sully walks in with his red and black coat when he's in the next scenes he's wearing his normal coat

In Before the Dawn, Samantha is about three or 4 years old. This doesn't make sense considering she was about 1-18 months when Katie is born. , Katie isn't quite one yet by then.

In Reason to Believe and All That Matters, it shouldn't be cold. Katie's Birthday is in the spring and the events that happened took place right after. It should be hot not cold

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