Things i wished happened in the show

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Things I wished happened in the show. I'll probably add more at another time but this is what I got for now.

Point Blank needed to be written differently. It should be two parts cause 13 minutes really isn't enough time to put enough emotion in it. I would have started it before that part. Maybe Sully would have dropped her off and asked him to stay with Katie while she worked but left and felt bad that this had happened to her. That he had enough time to grieve and talk about how much he loved her and missed her. Others also gathered to discuss her. The second part would be her recovery. The reason she gained her confidence back needs to be something else rather than a tree crashing down the window.

The ending isn't satisfying to me. I'm happy for Colleen and Andrew but because Season 6 first 12 episodes went rather downhill It needed more of an incline.

It's implied that Michaela and Sully did the baby making in "To Have and to Hold" but were they successful? I hope they were.

I wish Matthew had found love as well. He needed a woman to love him.

Horace and Myra shouldn't have divorced, they should have worked things out. Horace needed to understand that Myra wanted to be here but she needed to also listen to him and talk about stuff before deciding. Even while she She was gone, they should have tried to talk more

The events of season 6 didn't make a good final season. It's too dark to end this way. It needed a 7th season to make everything right. We needed more joy in the season to make up for the sadness

We need to know about Grace and Robert E's baby

I wish Katie walked more, in a majority of scenes she's being held.

Samatha grew up way too fast. Im season three she's about one but in season five she's 4 or 5.

I wish they had Shown Michaela and Sully's honeymoon as well as their official adoption of Brian and Colleen

The writers of The Expedition must have forgotten when Michaela's birthday was (February 15) because the next episode One Touch of Nature is around thanksgiving almost 10 months later

That Michaela had actually experienced morning sickness and Sully took care of her

That they talked about baby names before Katie arrived.

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