chapter 28

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mark hummed impatiently, tapping the bedside table as he glanced at the clock ticking away on the wall

after the performance everyone had been rushed out of the club because johnny wanted to have a brief meeting, much to his disbelief mark had to go home with jeno who had reluctantly parted with his boyfriends

so there he was, waiting in donghyuck's new room at the new house. he had already unpacked a few things from the boys from the boxes kun had left for him

speaking of kun, the handsome man and his boyfriend had decided to have a date night, and the rest of the members were having a night out at various bars and restaurant so the house was basically empty leaving mark to his thoughts and jeno to whatever he was doing with lucas in the basement

the only indication that they were still alive where the loud shouts of excitement and rather worrying booming noises

mark heard a car entered the driveway and park near the house
he sat up and glanced out the window, grinning when he saw donghyuck's figure walking up the steps

he exited the room and played off his excitement by walking into the lounge to meet donghyuck
"oh, you're back" he greeted donghyuck

the boy smiled back "johnny hyung dropped me off but went back to

the club because he has work to do with the others that are still there. he said you'd show me to my room?"

mark nodded and led the boy to his room

he pushed the door open and stood to the side, allowing the younger to enter first

donghyuck scanned the room and nodded in satisfaction, he turned and jumped in fright when he saw how close mark was to him

he could feel mark breath softly on his nose, causing shivers to run down his spine

"you're amazing, you know that?" mark said, his voice low and hushed

donghyuck immediately burst in a burning blush and hid his face in embarrassment

"m' really not" he mumbled from behind his hands. mark smiled and gently removed his hands from his face, he stared at the boy for a while. confusing donghyuck with the looks in his eyes

ever so slightly he inched his head closer, but donghyuck caught it. gulping, he did the same

mark responded by drawing their bodies together in his arms

being at such close proximity sent donghyucks brain into frenzy mode. he didn't miss the way his heart picked up an unhealthily fast pace

nothing but the couples light breaths could be heard in the silent room

mark opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by donghyucks lips attaching to his, he immediately responded by moving his own in rhythm with the youngers

he cradled donghyucks body closer to his and stumbled back until he felt his legs hit the bed. allowing himself to fall down onto with donghyuck on top of him

donghyuck pulled away and looked down at mark. his skin was flushed and his gaze filled with a new lust and desire

mark pulled him down and flipped him underneath, the younger now beneath him

they connected their mouths again in desperation for contact. donghyucks arms wrapped around marks muscled back and his leg curling around his waist

he felt marks hands slip underneath his shirt and gasped as his cold hands connected with his skin

they pulled apart to regain their breaths, eyes never leaving each other

mark lifted donghyuck slightly so he was sitting and knelt down on the floor beside the bed. he propped his head on his hands and looked up at donghyuck

"i'm so happy to have met you, and i'm scared too. there's so much joy you give me, and so much pain i would take for you. i've never wanted any form of eternity until now"

upon hearing this donghyuck gasped, but allowed mark to continue while he listened intently

"i've never felt what you make me feel before for any other person." mark said

"i guess what i'm trying to say is-"

"i love you" donghyuck whispered, finishing marks sentence

marks eyes widened and suddenly he was at a loss for words

donghyuck giggled at marks reaction and heaved him up onto the bed, burning himself into marks arms

"thank you," mark said quietly, "for letting me love you"

"we're still young. but that means we have our whole lives together in front of us"

donghyuck looked up to see mark looking down at him, they didn't demand words to communicate what they were thinking

they slept ever so peacefully that night, dreaming of their futures together and what life held in store for them


it had almost been 6 moths since the couple had confessed their love

in that time that had passed donghyuck had been kidnapped or attempted to be kidnapped several times

donghyuck had finally had enough of being helpless so he demanded self-defence training, much to marks displeasure. he protested that it was too dangerous

but stubborn as always donghyuck got his way and begun taking lessons from the members

donghyuck was still in his last year of high school along with jaemin and renjun. yangyang was now a set member of their friend group and never failed to keep the group of friends laughing

mark had taken up a music production and painting course at one of the local art academies. jeno who had been taking excelled classes was completing a veterinary course at a university just out of the city along with hendery

xiaojun was completing an internship at a vocal academy as a newbie teacher. everyone seemed to be settling well

now, of course, donghyuck and his friends missed their boyfriends, not seeing them every day at school was a difficult, but not an impossible adjustment

they boys were still young

they had their whole lives ahead of them

but they knew they'd be doing going through it together


the end



we're here

it feels like such a long journey looking back. the support and response i got on this story still blows my mind and im truly forever grateful to my lovely readers

it's insane to me that this is past 30k, i never expected it to reach 1k

biggest shoutouts go to @renjdreams ily omg, tysm for everything you did for me during this. ik you're on hiatus but ilY. go show her works some love they're AMAZING

and my favourite reader ever @weirdoxlisa your comments are something i always looked forward to and you are so sweet and supportive omg ilysm

tysm to everyone who paid attention to my shitty work :')

my nomin fic 'crazy' is out as well so check it out if you're interested :))

love you always <333

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