chapter 27

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"we have to destroy the house," taeil announced casually as the group gathered around where he had positioned himself on the front steps

"i-i'm sorry what?" Jeno spluttered in disbelief

donghyuck stared at taeil with wide eyes "you want to destroy this mansion?" he asked wearily

taeil waved a finger in his direction "well you prime definitely didn't go down with that building, and he made it clear what he wanted from us"

donghyuck pondered, wondering what the man could have wanted. he never really informed him when they were playing hostage

as if answering donghyucks unspoken question mark spoke up "he wanted us as a gang to be eradicated, the end of moon and our presence so he could grow to become the biggest"

taeil nodded "and for that to happen we need to get rid of all of our traces of existence, the main one being this house"

jaemin who had been unusually silent shifted beside jeno "where will you go? this is your home after all"

taeil just chuckled "that's not a worry for us, we have several other houses we can make our residence"

now it was donghyucks turn to splutter "you have more houses like this?" he asked mark

mark grinned, meeting donghyuck's eyes and squeezing him tightly "of course love, you can't possibly expect such a group of people to exclusively have one place. i mean its a miracle lucas hasn't burnt this one down already"

lucas made a noise of offence and defiance from the side of them but uttered nothing back

"OI GET YOUR ASSES OUT, WE'RE MOVING" johnny yelled to the house

jungwoo popped his annoyed head out of one of the windows "again?" he asked irritatedly

johnny nodded and continued into the house to help the rest of the members move out

"now we'll be expecting to be out by tomorrow so pack up your valuables then we ride at dawn"

taeil giggled "always wanted to say that"

kun gazed at him adoringly and cooed at his boyfriend's cuteness

so they made their way inside, jaemin and renjun followed jeno to help him pack up and the members scurried around all ends of the vast house

it was midnight when donghyuck and mark had finished placing all of marks belongings in various cardboard boxes and bags

the furniture remained, the room bare and stripped of any decorations

donghyuck sighed in exhaustion and allowed himself to fall onto the bed, mark fondly glanced down at him and sat beside him pulling donghyucks head onto his lap

mark ran his hands through donghyucks soft silver locks making the younger hum in satisfaction

"d-did you mean what you said?" donghyuck spoke up in a small voice

mark froze, the met donghyucks eyes "i was scared hyuck, i thought us being together would hurt you and i would bring nothing but danger to you"

Gangsta ~ MarkhyuckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora