"I found a little girl," Glenn announced. Andrea took a peak inside the pink room, there was a curly red haired girl sitting on the floor in the corner of her room, she looked scared.

The two women went to talk to her, the men left to search in the last two bedrooms. Adam and Susan's room didn't have anything or anyone in it.

Glenn opened up the last door, it was unlabelled, inside was a closet with a toddler bed in it. Except that wasn't it, the toddler bed held a little boy in it.
          "Is that him?" T-dog asked Glenn, he nodded his head smiling, he found found the little boy.

Glenn walked into the tiny room and shook the boy lightly, the boy woke up with a startle, he relaxed once he realized who it was.
         "Hi buddy," the blonde haired boy looked more unhealthy than he usually does.

Caspian held up his arms immediately, he wanted Glenn to hold him. Glenn bent down, he picked up the little boy holding him tight.

Andrea and Jacqui made their way down the hall, they stood in front of the little closet along with the rest of the group. Abigail was holding Andrea's hand, she looked a lot healthier than Caspian did.

          "Where's everyone else?" Glenn curiously asked Abigail knowing that Caspian won't answer him.
          "Mommy and daddy went out and never came back, Annie, Elijah and Chris were at school, same with Cole and Dustin," Abigail explained to the new group.

          "Why didn't you go to school?" Andrea asked the little girl bending down to her height.
          "I did, but I didn't want Caspian to be by himself so I ran home," the red haired girl explained.

          "What about him?" Merle asked from the other side of the hallway.
          "Mommy and daddy usually keep him in his room, but I've been helping him, cause he's always lonely," Glenn's grip tightened on Caspian hearing this, just now he noticed that the little boy stunk, his clothes were dirty.

          "Without food and water?" Andrea asked. Abigail nodded her head, the new group looked at each other in complete and utter shock.
          "Yeah sometimes but not always," Andrea gave the little girl a hug.


The group was headed was to their camp site joined by three new members. Caspian was still in Glenn's arms, he hasn't moved or said a word, although he only knows how to say no and Glenn.

Before the group had left the foster house they packed up everything that they could, food, water, medical supplies, clothes, unfortunately Caspian didn't have any spare clothes.

Abigail was sitting on Andrea's lap, Jacqui was next to them, Glenn and Merle were in the very back, Morales and T-dog were in the front.
Finally they pulled up to a little camp site.
          "Welcome to the Atlanta's survivor camp,"

Everyone got out of the car, Abigail quickly ran over to Glenn, she stood next to him feeling very nervous.
Glenn himself was also very nervous, he didn't know if anyone would except him or the two kids.

Caspian was sleeping by now, he had a tight grip on Glenn, his head was resting on the older males shoulder.
          "You three coming?" Morales asked standing by what Glenn assumed was his family.

          "Y..yeah," Abigail grabbed Glenn's leg and pulled him forwards, both of them slowly made their way towards the now bigger group.

A man walked up to them, he looked scary, Abigail thought, the man stood in front of them, hands on his hips.
          "You look scary," Abigail spoke quietly but the man still heard her, instead of being angry he smiled. The man bent down to her height.

Dead in the nightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें