As well as the styling of her hair, she had a manicure and a facial. When it was all done and she looked at herself she had to admit that he knew her very well. The cut and style was beautiful, her hair shiny and bouncy, her face had been made up with the most natural and soft colours to enhance her fair skin and dark eyes. She was pleased. Jonathon would be pleased, and that really mattered to her.

When she returned to the hotel she noticed a difference in the staff, there was new admiration in their eyes. ‘Miss Roberts’ they addressed her and escorted her through to the lift.

Jonathon was alone when she entered the room, and still nervously pacing.

‘Bea! You look beautiful.’ he complimented her.

‘Thank you Jonathon. Is everything alright? Has David been?’

‘Yes… yes...’ he seemed distracted; perhaps things had not gone so well, after all. ‘I’ve ordered lunch in our room.’ he said. ‘Then you can change and we’ll leave for the studio.’

‘That’s fine, sweetheart. Fine.’ whatever he wanted.

The lunch was excellent but he ate very little and then, distressingly he had to rush to the bathroom and she heard him retching violently.

‘Jonathon!’ she called urgently through the locked door. ‘Jonathon, are you alright? Oh please let me in.’ but he would not and came out later, pale and trembling. She rushed towards him. ‘Are you ill again…?’

‘No…no. It’s always like this, before rehearsals. Stage fright… I don’t know.’

‘You…. You haven’t had a drink…?’

‘Christ Bea! I promised you I wouldn’t.’ so hurt and disappointed that she had thought that of him.

‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Please forgive me.’

‘Me forgive you? Oh Bea, it’s little wonder you doubted me. But I haven’t Bea, I won’t. I need my balls.’ He made the little joke again and she held him close. He gently pushed her aside in a little while. ‘You finish your lunch.’ he said. ‘I’ll just sit here.’ But he kept getting up and looking at the clock.

‘I’ll get ready.’ said Bea and went and changed into her cream suit.

‘You look stunning.’ he said when she came out of the bedroom. She took his hand.

‘So do you.’ she whispered and he smiled. The phone rang and he answered it.

‘Taxi’s here.’ He announced; he looked decidedly green again but he swallowed the bile. Bea collected her handbag and they walked out to face the music.

The photographers were outside and she blinked in their flashlights. He posed for a few photos and gave a short interview all the while gripping her hand so tightly she feared it would be bruised. And when they asked about her, he squeezed her hand even tighter.

‘This wonderful lady has been instrumental in my recovery. I would not be here now, without her, but she is a very private lady who values her anonymity and so I would ask you gentlemen to leave her in peace.’ And with that he opened the taxi door and swiftly handed her inside. He scrambled in beside her.

‘Move off!!’ he commanded and the driver obeyed. ‘That will hold them at bay for a little while, but not long my love. You will find there is a very dear price to pay for knowing me.’

‘And I will gladly pay it. In full.’ She assured him and he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it.

‘Darling, Bea.’ he murmured.

JONATHON - Book 1 [Watty Awards 2012]Where stories live. Discover now