fourteen. winner winner

Start from the beginning

          "So what I'm hearing is that we need to beat him up?" Bryce says, nodding as he adjusts the sleeves of his shirt.  "Let's go, boys."

          "Chill out, Agent Harper," I chuckle, pushing his shoulder.  "No one needs to get beat up.  Maybe Lucas, but that's it."

          "Fine," he groans.

          "By the way, that was a good hit, Rhys.  Christian just got lucky," I say with a smile.  Rhys nods, forcing a weak smile before hugging me tightly.  "You're definitely coming out for drinks with us tonight, Rhys.  Have to get you loosened up for your home runs tomorrow."

          He chuckles, nodding as we separate.  "That sounds really good right now."

          My phone rings again and I huff, picking it up. "I don't want to talk to you, asshole," I say sharply.

          "Guess I'll go jump off a bridge then. Yeesh." I laugh quietly at Aaron's voice, shaking my head.

          "Sorry, Judge, I thought you were someone else," I admit with a small smile.

          "Damn, do I want to know who you thought I was? It better not be Lucas harassing you," he says, his voice getting deeper. "Is it Lucas?"

          "Honestly, I wish it was him. Think of the opposite end of the spectrum," I tell him with a sigh, walking out into the hallway away from the guys.

          "Wait, Christian? What happened?" he asks suddenly.

          "He made a dick comment. I may have called him a narcissistic douche before walking away, too," I sigh, sitting on the ground with my legs out straight in front of me. "It's just . . . I don't even know. I had so much fun hanging out with him and if he says something like what he said once it's bound to slip out again."

          "But no ones perfect, Gracie. All of us get cocky after a win; I've said some douchey things too in the past. What'd he say?"

          "So we made a bet, and if the Brewers won I had to go on a date-date with Christian. He came over to talk to me because I was behind their dugout. He said 'at least we hit them over the fence' because he caught Rhys's hit for the last out. It just didn't sit right with me."

          Aaron sighs. "I wouldn't like if someone said that either," he admits quietly. "I get where you're coming from, really. That's a douche thing to say for sure. But don't you think players are going to try to act tough after catching the ball that would have given the other team the win? Christian is the MVP and he's going to act big but I don't think he means it in a rude kinda way. You feel me?"

          "Yeah," I sigh, running my hand down my face. "Do you think I overreacted?"

          "Yes and no. Just don't take it too personally right now," he instructs me just as he always does. Aaron has always given the best advice for everything. "You good, Gracie Boo?"

          I chuckle. "Yes, I'm all good, Judgey Boo," I smile. "Did you just call to check up on me?"

          "Obviously. I miss you."

          "I miss you, too. And Gleyber," I laugh, Aaron chuckling. "You better try to visit me in Chicago. I need to see my best friend's face sooner or later."

          "You really think I haven't already planned the trip? You have little expectations of me, Kingery," he teases, most likely shaking his head like usual. "I get to meet the famous Charlie too. He better not replace me."

          "No one could ever replace the boy that gave me my very awkward first kiss," I joke, earning a quiet laugh. "But I really miss you, Aaron. It's weird."

          "Bitch, please, you know you miss me after a day of not seeing me," he says in an annoyed, teasing voice. I snort, covering my mouth with my hand. "Yes, I got a snort!"

          "Shut up, Aaron. It sounds like you just got me to snort coke or something." We always talk like this. Ten years of friendship hasn't changed and I'll forever be grateful.

          "Grace." My heart stops and I look up at Christian who's standing a few feet down the hallway from me.

          "Gotta go. Love you, bye," I say in one breath, hanging up on Aaron to stand up.

          "I'm sorry for what I said. It was a douche thing and it just . . . came out," he says quickly, his lips twisting to the side. He adjusts his bag on his shoulders, looking down at his feet awkwardly.

          "I shouldn't have yelled at you," I say first. "At least not call you a narcissistic douche in front of your team and the fans that were still nearby. I kind of get it but I got defensive. But thanks for the apology. Aaron kind of . . . set me straight."

          "Judge seems like a nice guy," he says with a small smile. "But I am really sorry. Rhys had a solid hit and I got lucky it didn't go over the wall which was. . . three feet behind me."

          "Exactly, lucky," I grin. "But I'm still saying no to that date. I'm hanging out with the guys tonight because lord knows when I'll see them again."

          "And what about me?" he pouts.

          "You have a game in Chicago in two weeks. Yes, I looked at the Brewers schedule," I admit, earning a cheeky smile from him. "Family comes first, Christian."

          "You are literally the perfect woman," he chuckles. "And apparently a serial killer."

          "Better believe it, Yelich. Watch your back," I smirk.

          "Oh I will," he laughs.

amazing grace.  christian yelich   (book one)Where stories live. Discover now