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Mikasa's POV

Eren moaned underneath me as I rubbed his growing membrane. Suddenly I heard a very angry voice yelling at me and Eren.


I froze against Eren whi le Eren had his eyes wide looking at the person at the cell door.

Eren started to stutter out a name,"Captain."

No no not him he always tries to take my Eren away from me.

I started to move myself off of Eren and try to make myself look presentable. Eren scrambled to pull his shirt back into place and also make himself look presentable.

We both stood there looking at the Captain.

"My office NOW," Levi yelled.

We were sitting in Captain Levi's office on two brown chairs in front of his desk. Hanji was with us giving a boring lecture that I didn't really care to hear.

"Did you even have protection? You could have gotten Misika pregnant if Levi didn't find you when he did," Hanji said.

"We were going to use protection but some one interrupted us before we had a chance to get them out." I stare daggers into Levi's cold hard eyes.

"I don't care-" Hanji was interrupted by Levi's more than usual calm voice.

"That's enough Hanji. Take Mikasa to get some medicine for her little situation and leave Eren with me. We are going to have a little talk."

Hanji stared at Levi for a few before she started to walk towards me and grab my arm to pull me away.

"Levi if you hurt Eren I swear on my life I will kill you," I said with rage and hatred dripping from my voice.

Levi looked at me calmly and said, "I'll hold you to that."

I was then dragged out the door by Hanji but fought back and failed. I thought of how scared Eren must be without me as Hanji dragged me farther from Eren.

Erens POV

Captain just started at me with an annoyed kind of look on his face.

"Sir why did you want me too stay."

Captain got out of his seat and walked over to me and sat on the edge of the desk right in front of me.

I looked down and hid my face from Levi so he couldn't see the blush I was starting to get.

"Look at me Jaeger" Levi commanded.

I looked up into captains eyes and felt an intense shiver rack my body. The look that was in captains eyes was a look that could kill. I immediately put my head back down for fear of being killed by those intense eyes that drilled into my head.

"Look at me you brat."

When I didn't look up Levi reached down and lifted my head up rather harshly.

"I told you too look at me. I am your captain and you will do as I say. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir," I whispered while trying to calm my heart rate down and not concentrate on the heat radiating from the captains fingers touching my skin.

"If you disobey an order again I'll have to punish you. Do you understand what I'm saying brat?" Captains eyes were still as cold as always but for a second I thought I could see desire shine into those cold black eyes.
Was that desire in his eyes just now? No,i'm just imagining things. What if it was desire? Was it directed towards me? Does he want me as much as I want him and what does he mean by punishment? I'm gonna take a chance and see if there really was desire in his eyes.

I slapped the captain's fingers away from my face and put my head down. The next thing I felt was a sharp stinging against my left cheek. I fell out of my chair and hit the floor with a bang. While trying to get a sense of what had just happened Levi had pushed me down on my back with his foot on my chest.

Levi looked down at me while he talked,"apparently you want to be punished. That was a mistake to hit my hand away like that. Now you are going to have to be punished appropriately."

The look of hunger and anger in Levi's eyes made me wonder if disobeying him was really something I should have done.

Lovers betrayal (Eren x levi/ Eren x mikasa)Where stories live. Discover now