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Lincoln: As much fun as that trip was, I'm glad to be home

Murphy: Amen to that. I missed my cat

Lincoln: You have a cat

Murphy: Hell yeah

Echo: Awww what's its name?

Lexa: Murphy Jr.

Echo: 😂

Murphy: I was 7 okay

Lexa: Don't lie. You got him in March

Murphy: Shut up Lex


Lincoln: What is it?

Lexa: Is there a fire?

Murphy: WiFi's out?

Echo: Was Abby sleepwalking again?

Octavia: Bellamy realizes Clarke's in trouble in 3 2 1

Bellamy: Clarke's in trouble?

Lexa: Is it a psychotic AI who's infecting everyone's mind by taking away their pain and controlling them so she can eventually destroy the world and life as we know it and trap everyone's minds in an alternate reality forever?

Clarke: No.

Clarke: It's worse.

Clarke: It's Josephine Ada Lightbourne.

Murphy: *GAAAASP*

Bellamy: NO


Clarke: ..........


Lincoln: No!

Lexa: Linc you don't even know Josie

Lincoln: But I do know the pain of family reunions.

Lexa: Fair enough

Echo: I still have no idea what's happening

Clarke: It's just gonna be me, mom, Kane, my cousin Harper (who is the only reason I haven't burned this place down), Aunt Priya, Ryker, Uncle Russell, Aunt Simone, and Josephine in the same house for a week. Aka DISASTER

Octavia: AKA Griffin/Lightbourne/McIntyre/Desai Armageddon

Clarke: Exactly

Murphy: Remimd me again how all of you are related. I hate your family tree Clarke. The confusion.

Clarke: Well you know Kane is mom's bf. so Harper is my Dad's sister's daughter who was basically like my twin sister growing up, but since Dad died, her her parents don't come for family reunions anymore. Just her. Then my mom, born Abigail Kate Lightbourne before marrying Jake Griffin, has four younger siblings. Two of them are Russell and Priya Lightbourne. Russell married Simone and had a daughter aka Josie who was like mine and Harper's annoying triplet growing up. Then Priya married her now dead husband with the last name Desai and had my cousin Ryker who's around Anya's age. So that's my family. And that's not even including mom's other younger sister Kaylee and her family, or her adopted brother Gabriel.

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