Chapter Eighteen

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It was a glorious day when the Spring Fete finally happened. After almost a year of planning the entire village of Boroughford-upon-Tweed had been turned around into an entire festival with the entire fishing fleet having been polished and decked out in their finest for the event. High Street had been laden with stalls and the Village Green had temporarily been turned into Lords Cricket Ground for the biggest event on their calendar. Pip's team, all decked out in their whites were busy going over tactics and strategy whilst the team from "over there" spent most of their time in the Beer Tent with Ray promising that he wouldn't feed them corked wine or spike them in any way. Granddad Tom had broken out his best summer linens and navy blazer all to complement his Mayoral Chains and Panama hat. Even Mrs Claymore had to admit that on Spring Fete Day, Thomas May looked every inch the handsome older gentleman he was. However, that particular day, all eyes were on his Granddaughter. Jenny wandered around, dressed in a full-length floating summer dress, wedges and large brimmed hat, taking note of everything that was going on so she could get a good write-up for the paper. She still hadn't given Mac his answer and she really didn't want to. She felt as though if she said yes, then it would all come true and Mac would leave as intended. The village was about to go through enough change as soon as Sweeney put his plans in motion and Jenny felt that she needed all the help she could get. At that particular moment in time though, her mind was on her job, a job that she was good at. So far, there hadn't been any trouble between Granddad Tom and Farnsworth; in fact, there was a mutual and silent respect between them since the incident at The Harbour. It wasn't spoken, just conveyed in silent nods towards each other whenever they were in close proximity. It wasn't a truce, Jenny thought but it was certainly a step towards a more positive future between the villages.

Jamie, on the other hand, was still holed up in the Records Office. Despite the fact that his fiancée was captaining the reigning champions of the Tweed County Cricket Cup, he had told Jenny that he wasn't coming out until he had found something that could take down Sweeney. Jenny knew that he was clutching at straws and as soon as he fancied a cheese toastie, he would emerge but for now she let him do what he needed to do. Pip, surprisingly was understanding about the whole thing but Jenny could tell that he was nervous about the match and wouldn't have minded a little extra support from her big brother. Letting her thoughts drift, Jenny decided that she needed a small break so she could focus her mind better for the article. Walking over to the "seating area", Jenny placed her pen in the rings of her notepad and dropped it down onto the grass, before she flopped down onto the empty deckchair next to Alex, who much to her annoyance, had a pint of ale in his hand.

'It's only the one.' He said, feeling his wife's eyes burn into the side of his head. 'The doctor said I was allowed one.'

'Mmm...' Jenny mumbled adjusted her sunglasses as she lay back in the deck chair. 'Where's mine?'

'You're working, you're not allowed.' Alex grinned, turning his head. 'So, I get the last laugh on this one by the sounds of things.'

'I hate you.' Jenny said, half-heartedly, as she lay back even further, draping an arm behind her head. 'What time does play commence?'

'Whenever the teams are ready?' Alex answered. 'Pip's not quite done with the team talk yet.' Alex gestured over to the Team Tent. When Jenny looked over she could see a fully adorned Pip, cricket bat in hand, waving his finger in the face of Captain Archie who was busy swigging on Ray the Landlord's finest ale from the barrel. Jenny giggled and turned back to Alex.

'I suppose you should thank your lucky stars that you're not over there on the receiving end of that.' Alex laughed, a hearty laugh that Jenny hadn't heard in weeks.

'Yeah suppose so.' He said, with a sigh. 'Next year though, you wait.' Jenny smiled at her husband as she leant over to give him a full and loving kiss on the lips. Alex hummed his approval and went in for another go before the pair were interrupted but a sharp clearing of the throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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