Chapter Six

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Jenny sat in her living room in the early hours of the morning, the dying embers of the small log fire the only light in the room. No matter how hard she tried, sleep wasn't happening. After tossing and turning for most of the night and knowing that Alex needed his sleep, Jenny decided that she was better off leaving him to get some rest so she quietly left their bed and made her way downstairs and settled on the oversized sofa to try and gather her thoughts. Granddad Tom had at least been honest with her about the money problems the village was facing but he was positive that it was nothing that couldn't be fixed. Something in her gut was telling her that it wasn't as simple as that. Jenny knew her Grandfather better than he thought she did and the offhand way in which he dismissed concerns was worrying. The old solider in him showed through too much, for it to be something so simple. As Jenny's head begun to swim with thoughts once again, she curled into one of the large lilac cushions and wrapped her arms around it, trying to gain some silent comfort from an inanimate object.

'What are you doing down here?' Jenny picked her head to see a sleepy looking Alex leaning against the doorframe, shorts and t-shirt crumpled and hair askew. Jenny smiled and raised her head.

'Couldn't sleep.' She answered. 'Didn't want to disturb you.'

'You didn't disturb me.' Alex answered as he padded over to the sofa and flopped down next to his wife. 'What's wrong?'

'Just what Granddad said that's all.' Jenny sighed. 'Something just isn't sitting right. He was way too defensive.'

'That's just Tom though.' Alex said, trying to disguise the yawn that escaped from his mouth. 'He's always defensive, even if you tell him that it's snowing outside. It's the old Army boy coming to the fore that's all.'

'I still don't trust it.' Jenny shook her head. 'I don't have a good feeling about any of this.' Jenny continued to stare into the fire with sad eyes. Alex had to admit to himself that he wasn't used to late night advice giving, as he was usually fast asleep in the early hours of the morning. His brain wasn't functioning so he wasn't sure what to say.

'Why don't you come back to bed and try to get a little shut eye at least.' Alex offered, putting his arm around his wife. Jenny snuggled into him but shook her head again.

'My head is too fried.' She said. 'You go back, I'll be fine.'

'I don't want to leave you on your own.' Alex pulled Jenny in further. 'I'll stay down here with you ok.' Jenny looked at her half asleep and dishevelled husband and felt at that moment that she was possibly the luckiest person in the world. She nuzzled her head into the crook of Alex's arm and before long her eyes had closed and both she and Alex didn't move for the rest of the night, only waking up as the winter sun started to pour through their window letting them know that morning had arrived.

Walking to the Council Offices the next morning was slightly painful for Jenny. Sleeping on the sofa with your husband was extremely romantic but not the best for your bones and muscles. She seriously thought about stopping at Pip's to get some of his leftover painkillers that he was no longer taking but decided that walking it off was better than putting unwanted medicines in her system. Grabbing a quick coffee, a kiss from Alex and the usual disapproving look from The Purple Rinse Brigade, Jenny made her way to the large brick building at the end of High Street that stood proudly over the others. The clock that hung there struck nine and the large wooden door was clicked open allowing Jenny to walk inside. The receptionist with the jet-black hair piled on top of her head and the bright red lips that looked completely wrong on her pale face, didn't bother to look up when Jenny announced her presence, just merely waved her through as she continued to look at the screen of her computer. Jenny craned her neck as soon as she was out of sight to see what was so enthralling. Turns out it was it was some celebrity gossip website. Jenny smiled and shook her head as she walked through the building to her destination.

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