She was pretty. But not beautiful, at least not like Yumi. Yumi noticed where JungKook was looking. "Huh—" Her smile dropped.

She looked blankly at the two. She felt her stomach tightening. "Yumi-Nonna?" JungKook was now closer to Yumi. She blinked and kept herself from letting a small yelp from leaving her lips.

"Come on!" JungKook grabbed her hand. "But— Hoseok gonna look for me!" She tried to stop JungKook from taking her away from her spot.

"Can't you see he's occupied at the moment, he's literally hearing bells around her." He looked towards the duo. Yumi also looked towards them.

Hoseok was laughing with her happily. Were they exchanging numbers?!

Her heart dropped. "Lead the way JungKook.." She had a sad smile on her face.

"Don't be upset because that jerk ditched you." JungKook rolled his eyes. Soon enough you found Namjoon talking with who seemed to be Prince Yoongi.

Aka JungKook's older brother. He wasn't actually related to JungKook. But he was like an older brother to the young boy.

Both families were good friends, so the two grew up with each other. His sister Yoonji gave Jin a look as he danced weirdly to the music. But she did end up smiling.

"Oof. The monster finally smiled." JungKook smirked running behind Yoongi. Yoongi ignored him and continued talking with Namjoon.

"What's wrong with Hyung?" Taehyung asked. "Which one? Namjoonie or Jin?" Yumi asked confused due to the fact he had two Hyungs.

"Oh..Jin-Hyung is always like that. But Namjoons never like that!" He pointed at the middle child.

His cheeks were slightly pink. He kept biting or licking his lips. He wouldn't make eye contact with Yoongi, and if he did he looked like he was having a panic attack.

Yumi narrowed her eyes. Namjoon saw and got nervous all over again.

Yoonji glared at JungKook. "Kid your gonna get it." She hissed annoyed with the disrespect that she was getting.

Yoonji saw Yumi and gave Yumi a huge smile. Yumi couldn't help but smile as well. The Min' smiles were contagious. "There's my favorite!" She giggled wrapping a arm over Yumi.

"Hi Unnie." Yumi smiled sweetly.

"So how's you and Hoseok?" Yoonji asked. "And where is he?" She tilted her head like a confused puppy.

Yumi explained what she saw to Yoonji. Yoonji sighed, but glared at Hoseok who was walking towards the group. Out of the corner of your eye you saw JungKook glaring at him as well.


"I see you finally left that girl of yours to hang out with us. I'm so flattered." Yoonji said with a grin. A fake one, but go off sis.

"Oh..She pulled me over and asked if I was the generals. And we kinda got into this conversation on how dance is similar to fighting."

Hoseok explained rubbing the back of his neck. Yoonji smacked him right on the forehead before crossing her arms. "Ow!" Hoseok whined going behind Yumi.

Yoonji stared blankly at the two. "You had hearts in your eyes!" She sighed. Yumi sighed and nodded in agreement.

"I'm sorry!" He whined. "I couldn't help but be interested. She was very pretty! She was so tiny and cute! I just wante—" Hoseok was cut off when Yoonji scoffed.

Yoonji had noticed Yumi's look towards the floor. "We don't need all the details." Yoonji rolled her eyes and walked away with Yumi.

Hoseok was left standing quite confused when Yoongi and SeokJin walked towards him with sly grins on their faces. "You IdIOt!" They shouted before smacking him.

"WHAt?!" He whimpered. JungKook smirked as Yumi walked towards him and the rest of the boys. "What's wrong Yumi?" He pouted. He acted cutely to get your attention.

"He's good at that.." Taehyung Whispered to Namjoon. "Way to good.." Namjoon mumbled.

"He went to having dirty thoughts of Yumi to being her baby. That's—" Nmajoon was cut off when Yoongi suddenly had an arm resting on his shoulder.

Namjoon got flustered and looked at the floor. "Umm. It's kinda hot in here.." He mumbled.

I'm so sorry for not updating yesterday! I couldn't cause something came up and I was to busy to even go on my phone and finish writing! But I hope you enjoyed the chapter! And please don't be angry if I'm not able to update next week

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I'm so sorry for not updating yesterday! I couldn't cause something came up and I was to busy to even go on my phone and finish writing!
But I hope you enjoyed the chapter! And please don't be angry if I'm not able to update next week. I can't promise anything!
And yes. This will be continued! Ily 🤟🥰
Sorry for any mistakes! I was rushing! 😔

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