Suicide happends to everyone

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  • Dedicated to Stormie Bryan

I lost my childhood bestfriend on November 15th 2010 from suicide. She left behind a Beautiful little boy and a Wonderful Family. I will always and forever remember you Stormie you'll always be my sunshine.....We even had arranged our childrens marriage :( Im miss you baby girl! I love you!!!

Please even if your loved ones look happy just ask them how their feelings Suicide hurts more than just the person doing it. Its selfish and it can be stopped! She saved my life once when we were younger and I wasnt there to save her and for that I will never forgive myself! So even if your 1000s of miles away from friends and family reach out! If you have thoughts of suicide please just talk to someone! Hell talk to me I'm here all the time!! Ill even give you my number. When you take your life its to late to know just how many people really do LOVE YOU!

I know you're reading this and thinking whatever nobody will understand me and what I'm going through but let me tell you everyone holds secrets. Seek help or talk to someone. I can't say this enough. Need someone to talk to or just need to get something off of your chest contact me. I live in Japan but I'm American. So Im up late and early and in between. :)  I promise I do not bite lol just please before you act seek help. You're worth every breath you take. It will get better just be strong and remember you are loved even if you don't think so. 

Suicide happends to everyoneWhere stories live. Discover now