"Oh, you're searching for Lt. Anderson. Bad luck, he's heading to any bars around here and I must say, there're a bunch of bars around here."

"He's in the bar?"

"Yes. He has alcohol addiction."

"I see. I'll find him for sure. Thank you, Commander."

"You're welcome, Connor."

(F/N) stoically gilded her (E/C) orbs onto the android which chose to fled and hunted for the spoken Lieutenant. Thus, she continued her halted steps to reached the translucent office beneath the center of the main hall, and entered the room with a frown,

"Captain Fowler,"

"Commander, is there something wrong?"

"I didn't remember give permission to the Cyberlife to give their android to work with us."

"They said you're-"

"-Unreachable. Fuck no, they didn't even e-mail or inform me."

"I assume they know that the deviancy cases are nothing compared to the cases you're handling, so they didn't ask you."

"I was the one in charge."

"You were out of country before."

"Alright. Let me know if you need help, I'll be up in my room,"

The black man whose name is Fowler only nodded his head slightly, (F/N) exhaled a short breath from left the room. Thus, she headed towards the second floor, into her secluded office and spent the rest of her day there. Writing countless of reports of the cases she has been working before with the special unit, time walked slow for her, meanwhile not for the Android with its new partner, Lt. Hank Anderson. It's in the middle of early morning, (F/N) heard knocking on the doors on her room,

"Come in,"

"Commander (L/N), I'm here to bring the deviant that's captured by the RK800 and Lt. Anderson."


The sight of Deviant made (F/N) shivered, not because she's terrified to deviant, but seeing the scars on its body, shattered her heart. She's handling the technology and evidence departments, she has handled deviants, broken one like Daniel, but this one was-more wicked.

"You may leave us alone. I'll call you once I'm done registering it."

"Alright, Commander (L/N)."

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