Chapter 6

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just got back from chapter 5 ;-;
Blue: Look!My skull not cracked anymore, les beat that female dog
Ink:-playing doki doki forever on error's strings and makes a nice melody-
Error: Your good at playing that song, but can u sing it?
Blue: ehh not a good moment?-goes to dream-
Ink: ehh i dont like to sing-
Error: Ohh cmon sing it!
Ink: Nu
Error: or else i will tickle you until u sing
Ink:u cant tickle me! (>:3) -runs-
Error: -blocks way with strings- Oh really?

Ink: yes -tps to OT
Error:-tps to OT
Dream:-tps to OT-
Blue:-tps to OT-

Ink:-le runs-
Blue:i have a secret place -tps ink and dream to a secret place-
Error: -yawn- ill just hack and find ink's phone's location, it must be with him anyways.
Ink:-fell on floor face first-
Blue: -steals dream and ink's phone and throws it to DT-(blue dint bring his-)
Ink: NOw how am i gonna ListEn to Meh Music?
Dream: -Pats Ink's bat-
Ink: im getting it -tps to dt-
Error: Ohhh Hello child




Please stand by while we  fix story..

Ink: im going to get it -tps to dt-
Error: oh hello -tackles ink and tickles him-
Blue: -in DT- INK!
Error: DUsh Tackle dat thing!
Dust: Nope (-w-)
Ink: -is laughing- stahp!
Error: -grabs blue with strings- k -still tickling ink- sing for me
Ink : nu!
Blue: dush help me!

Dust:-cuts le strings and tps him to dream-

Error x Ink x NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now