After School

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***Cas POV***

The day went by pretty quickly after first period. I only ran into Crowley three times today, which is a lot less than usual. I had bruises on my wrist from him grabbing me, a black eye from lunch (his payment for me "hiding" after first period), a massive headache from him repeatedly throwing me into the lockers, a busted lip, and a swollen ankle. I limped back to the English room from this morning hoping not to run into Crowley for the last time today. Sadly for me, when I was just five feet away from the teachers door, Crowley and his gang pushed me up against the lockers. I started seeing black spots while they repeatedly punched me. I could hear their voices but it sounded as if I was underwater. Suddenly the pain stopped and I heard faint yelling. The last thing I remember is the feeling of being carried before I blacked out.

(sorry, its crucial for what happens next >.<)

***Deans POV***

I check my watch for the third time and see that it has been 20 minutes since school let out. I came to the conclusion that Cas wasn't coming. I let out a sad sigh and grab my stuff wondering what that beautiful raven haired boy was doing. I just hope that he is somewhere safe and far from Crowley. As I'm about to walk out of the classroom I see a group of kids beating someone up. What the hell is wrong with the kids at this school?
"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?" I yell
They all run and I finally see who it was they were beating. Cas. He was slumped against the lockers, sitting on the floor. He looked completely out of it.
"Cas?" nothing "Cas!" nothing "Come on Cas," I say as I pick him up and hear him groan in pain. My heart broke at the sight of him, My Angel. I pet his hair and whisper to him "It's okay, I'm here, everything is going to be okay, Angel" I feel him go limp against me as he blacks out. I quickly carry him out to my car where Sammy is waiting for me.
"Where the h- Who is that?!"
"He's one of my students, a group of kids were beating him up. C'mon let's get him to the house."
I gently lay him down in the back and quickly get in the drivers side, buckling up and driving off to me and Sammy's apartment. It took a few months, but after I got my teaching degree, I got a job and saved up the rest of the money I would need for me and Sam. It's not the best, but it's better than living with John. Sam is safe here. I just barely make enough for us to be able to do extra things like rent a movie but it's all worth it. Sammy is safe and I don't have to worry every time I'm off at work. We finally pull up to the apartment and I throw Sam the keys and tell him to go and get the First Aid kit and bring it to my room. I walk to the back of my baby and as gently as possible pick up Cas. As I'm closing the door I notice a small bit of dried blood on the seat where his head laid. Normally, I would be livid, but right now, I was just glad it was dry. He had stopped bleeding. I carry him bridal style through the entrance of the apartment building and walk to the elevator. Once I'm in, I press the 5th floor and will the elevator to move faster.

Finally I reach the door that leads to my apartment, E25, and open the door rushing to my bedroom, not even bothering with the front door. I lay him down as the bed and hear the front door close and footsteps heading my way. I look to the doorway seeing Sam with the first aid kit and a glass of water. I thank him and tell him to set the first aid kit on the bed and the water on my nightstand. I very carefully take off his trench coat and lay it down on the foot of the bed. As I lose myself in thought I hear a pain filled groan and shuffling from beside me. I look over and see that he has finally woken up.

***Cas POV***

I wake up in an unfamiliar place and feeling like I just got hit by a train. I smell the faint scent of pine, leather, and cinnamon and try to lean closer to it but pain shoots through my body as I move. Suddenly I heard a soothing male voice and open my eyes to see my teacher, Mr. Winchester.
"Hey Cas, I'm really glad you are awake. I saw those kids beating you up and the nurse had already gone home for the day so I hope you don't mind, I took you to me and my little brothers apartment." I move to sit up but feel a burst of pain in my stomach and start coughing.
"Hey, hey, hey, easy there, you are in pretty bad shape. Here let me help,"
His arm reaches under me while his other arm rests on my left shoulder, moving me into a sitting position. I really hope my blush isn't noticeable. I see him grab something then feel cold water against my lip.
"Drink," he commands me, his voice staying calm and sweet
He hands me an advil and I down it as quick as I possibly can. I close my eyes and hear footsteps walking away, a faucet running, and then footsteps coming towards me again. I peer open my eyes to see Mr. Winchester with a wet washcloth as he gently presses it to my lip. I can't help but wince in pain when he does.
"Shhhh, I know Angel, I'm sorry"
I couldn't help but blush at the nickname. Angel. I like it. His eyes are concentrated on my busted lip as he tries not to hurt me. Once he's done he sits on the very edge of the bed and starts working on cleaning up the rest of the dried blood on my face. Once he's done he looks me in the eyes and I can see his filled with sadness and worry. He pulls out some sort of liquid from the first aid kit on my right side and some cotton balls. He carefully runs them over my cuts and bruises.
"This is going to sound bad, but I need you to take off your shirt. I need to make sure everything is okay and then bandage you up, okay?" I just simply nod, feeling my cheeks heat up at the thought. He helps me sit up and carefully lifts up my shirt and slowly slipping it off my torso. He checks my back, mutters to himself and then turns toward my front, inspecting me with worry written across his face.

The Angels Savior (Destiel TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now