9: Just Really Close Friends

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I'm happy. Like genuinely happy. If and when that stops I don't know but I hope it's not anytime soon because I don't hate life as much anymore, everything is going well I've started working at Pops, Jason is more willing to talk to me, Cheryl and I are great. I can walk around a hell of a lot better. Cheryl's back in AA which is a guess good because she doesn't want to fall back into bad habits. "Toni, 3 cheese burgers one plan with curly fries." Veronica hands me the order. "On it!" I make the burgers and ring the bell. Veronica takes the food and a few minutes later walks back with one burger. "It's Jason and his friends according to one of them it's burnt. Fix it than spit in it." She smiles. "I'm not spitting in that kids food." I whisper. She laughs. "Good because I was kidding don't do that." I smile and fix his burger. "Here." She takes the food and comes back. "Since when does Jason have friends?" I ask quietly. "He's a introvert that sits in his room and jacks off to playboy magazines he found in his uncles old room." She looks at me in disgust. "You didn't need to know that." I look down. "It's ok. Trust me Cheryl is the same way." She winks and walks away. I smile.

"Don't tell Sweet Pea he's like my brother." I whisper to Veronica. "Don't tell Betty." I ride her slowly. She sits up to kiss my neck as I thrust faster. "You're such a good girl." She whispers. "Ahh!" I moan as she rubs my clit faster. "Let go." She whispers nibbling my ear. I pull the strap out of me and squirt all over her. "God!" I lie on her. We lie down in the bed. "You're so good." I whisper. "Neither of them have to know." Veronica whispers. "Who is this Betty girl anyways?" I ask quietly. "She's this girl from the Northside I've been seeing. She has a cousin you might be interested in. Her names Cheryl." I sit up. "I'm not really ready to date anyone right now after what happened with Heather." I whisper.

I sit up in the bed. "Did we live in the same town for 18 years before we were in college?" Cheryl nods. "Yeah and we both dated the same girl. Heather she was cheating on me with you." I sit back. "Go back to sleep babe." I lie into her. "You were having that dream about Veronica." She whispers. "I'm sorry. It's just the memories." I whisper. "I know." She whispers. "It's just a little weird." I rub her thighs. "Trust me I love you and I know this is all weird but I don't know how to deal with it." I kiss her cheek. "I love you and I promise I have no feelings towards Veronica I didn't in high school we were friends with befits." I smile. "I know Veronica and I talked about all this when we started dating." She smiles. "I love you too." She cups my cheek. "Go to sleep." She whisper.

"V." I whisper grabbing her arm and hope no one sees us. "What's up?" She ask quietly and slightly concerned. "Ok, so I had that dream about us again. And I think Cheryl is giving me that 'I'm fine' thing that she does when she's mad at me." I whisper frantically. "Give it a day or two by her something nice and all is forgiven." She starts to walk away. "Wait!" I pull her back again. "I'm just really confused about my feelings right now. Because technically everything between us just happened for me." I whisper. "I just don't know what to do and I don't want to lose Cheryl." She looks down. "Toni everything we did was with no strings attached. Did you have any feelings towards me?" She ask concerned. "I- yeah and I know you didn't but I thought I was over them when I met Cheryl and I guess once I figured out who you were, everything I locked away came back. I know don't feel the same but I just needed to tell you before everything got awkward. You've also gotten close with Cheryl I just don't know what to do." She looks up at me. "I have to go I'll see you tomorrow at 8." I grab my stuff and walk out. I get in my truck and drive home. I walk up to my room and Cheryl's not wearing much. "We're kidless for a night so I have thinking maybe we could get nothing done." I walk over to her and have hot sex as usual. "Somethings wrong." She whispers. "I'm fine." I sit up. "Than why are you so off?" She ask quietly. "It's nothing you need to worry about." I tell her. I straddle her and run my hand over her chest. I slide the strap into her. "Trust me." I whisper. "I'm here with you. Nothing can change that." I get in a comfortable position and thrust slowly into her. She moans quietly.

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