6: Hello Hello

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I walk into my dorm for the first time and a beautiful red haired girl. "Hi. You must be Cheryl." I say knocking on the door. "Yeah and you must be Antoinette." She reaches her hand out and I shake it. "Ah, actually I go by Toni or Topaz or Tiny. But please don't call me Tiny I hate it and only my best friends can call me that and I don't even like when they call me that." I say nervously. "Ok Topaz." She smiles.

I wake up and sit up slowly. I sit to the edge of the bed, grab my leg and get it on. It's weird. I stand up and go to Jason's room. "Bud. It's time to get up." I whisper. He looks at me. "You're not mom. She's supposed to get me up." He whispers. "Today is her birthday and I don't want to wake her. Get up." I whisper. "Ok." He slowly gets up and goes into the bathroom. I go downstairs and get his breakfast ready. Jason comes downstairs. "What do you want for lunch?" I ask quietly. "Same thing as usual." I place his food in front of him and he inhales his food. "Usually mom does that." I say quietly. "I don't know what you eat for lunch." I say sitting down from him. "Just tell me bud!" I insist. "Sunflower butter and Jelly with Sunflower butter both sides and jelly only on one trust me I can tell!" He whisper yells. "I also there's a bag off pretzels and chocolate chip cookie both gluten free." He whispers. "What about the bread for your sandwich?" I ask quietly. "Oh that is to. If you don't give me gluten free I'll end up in the hospital." I nod. "Ok. Got it. Anything to drink?" He shakes his head. "Just my water with no ice." He whispers. "I don't like my water cold it hurts my teeth." I nod. "Got it." I whisper. "Why do you look nervous?" He ask quietly. I pull out a box. "I know I've already done this, but as you know I've lost my memory and I was gonna to propose to her I don't know when but I will." I open the box and Jason's eyes go wide. "Cool." He smiles. "I remember when you did the first time. It was in Vancouver at a small lake on the camping trip. I was with Sweet Pea and Fangs but we snuck over to where you were going to do it and watched. But not in the creepy way, also don't tell mom we did that." I smile. "I know." He looks at me confused. "I remember some things Jason." He nods.

I rap my arm around Cheryl and pull her closer. "I know this is going to be a weird question because we just had sex but, can I ask about Jason?" I ask quietly. "Well what do you mean?" She sits up. "His father..." I trail off. She looks down. "Ex Boyfriend from high school, we were together a long time and he was abusive and I finally had enough and he didn't. I think you can figure out what happened next." She whispers. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up." I whisper frantically. "It's ok. It happened a long time ago." She cups my cheek. "I just hope he doesn't become like his father." She whispers lying next to me. "Does he even know Jason exist?" She nods. "Yeah, unfortunately Jason is the reason he left officially. Which is fine if I wasn't 18." She whispers. "Does Jason know?" I ask quietly. She shakes her head. "I haven't had that talk with him yet, but he hasn't really wanted to know he's grown up with you and Sweet Pea and Fangs are also there for him." She traces my tattoos. "Is he always this quiet? Because I feel like i'm doing something wrong." I ask quietly. "Yeah he's always been very quiet and to himself. It's not just because of you, he's still getting used to you being home and he's not as open with you, but that will change hopefully." She whispers. "We talked this morning but it was a bit of a struggle because he couldn't understand why I didn't know what he eats for lunch everyday for 12 years." She laughs quietly. "Does he really have that everyday?" She nods. "Since he was 5. Trust me I don't know how he does that."

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