Chapter Four: All Nuances of Pain

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"What is it?" you asked.

Suddenly, he got up, "I have to leave, if someone catches me, I might get executed..."

"Surely, they won't if you explain what happened!" you said.

"I have to, my love. I swear I will come back when everything has quieted down." He answered and kissed you once more. The kiss was more passionate than the last one as if he tried to convey every ounce of his feelings for you. You kissed back with a much passion, but you both knew it couldn't last forever. His lips lingered one more minute on your lips, not wanting to part from you.

When you finally parted, he left not turning back, because he knew if he did, he would stay by your side.


Your father was getting better, though he seemed anxious, you didn't know why, every time you asked him, he would either ignore you or tell you that not knowing was safer for you and your sisters. His worry increased when King Robert died, killed during a hunt. Well, the injury he suffered during the hunt is what killed him.

As soon as the King died, your father was arrested. You and Sansa tried to plead the new King Joffrey for mercy and for a moment you thought that he would show mercy and listen to his mother. But you soon understood that Joffrey was cruel and only wanted to destroy. The day your father was to be executed, one of the King's guards forced you to watch as the executioner's sword descended upon your father neck and cut through it, severing his head from his body.

After the execution, everything was like a blur, the last thing you remember from that day is Joffrey forcing you and Sansa to watch the result of his barbaric act.

Subsequent to that fateful day, everything went south. You were not often allowed to be near Sansa. And so you were left to grieve alone. Not one day passed without wishing to be free, to be reunited with your family and in the arms of Jaime, whom you missed dearly.

With Jaime gone and Joffrey in power, your life has become hell. You felt as if you were walking in Limbo. However, you were soon reminded that you were still in that horrid place they call the Red Keep. Especially when you prevented the new King from beating Sansa. You pleaded to take her place, not wanting your little sister to suffer more than she already had.

Almost every day Ser Meryn Trant would beat you on Joffrey or Cersei's orders. But you stayed strong, for Sansa and for Arya wherever she was.

You knew Arya was alive, she is a fighter, she wouldn't go down easily and neither will you. The Starks are fierce, and a wolf would never bend the knee to a Lion.

Unfortunately, the pride you had for your house didn't lessen the pain. Your body hurt everywhere, your whole body was covered in bruises and cuts. Your mood and health were deteriorating rapidly. You barely ate and were alone most of the time, leaving you to fight your obscure thoughts.

Luckily, your mood was soon lifted when you received a letter from Jaime.

In the letter, he was telling you how much he missed you, and that he joined the Lannister army against your brother. You didn't like this at all, you didn't want Jaime or Robb to die.

Then the worst happened, the news of Jaime's capture reached Kings Landing. You were afraid of what your brother would do to Jaime. You knew Robb had every right to hurt him... You were so conflicted, how can you choose between love and family? Life is sometimes unfair...

You were now alone in the darkness of your room, crying, for whom you didn't know, Robb, Jaime or maybe you were crying for yourself and what your life had become?

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