Time to face the music

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*moments after Blair left*3rd person*
The air was tense and slightly awkward. The men looked around the room at each other either in shock, worry or excitement. Jax was the first to speak, "So what's the compromise?" It was slient for a moment. Piney spoke up gravelly "is it really worth it if we have to make compromises, it's to complicated guys".

Clay looked up for a moment at Jax then piney glaring "Look man if you have something to say, say it" he spit out. Jax glared at piney "You know your the only person who isn't one hundred percent on board with this".

Hitting the table rather suddenly "Who said I was on board with this, I'm just worried about this not only is she a woman but a young beautiful one at that. You can't tell me for a second anyone looking at her who take her seriously. I know she would be a great accent to the club. I know she's loyal and would do anything for it but you have to look at the downside. Enemies find out about the weak link and that's where they go first".

Clay snapped at the old man " Don't feed me that bullshit piney, I know the risks. Don't ever call my daughter a weak link again she's clearly not. Shes been through more shit any 16 year old should ever go through".

Bobby looked up noticing the tense nature of the conversation "That girl has every right to join as Jax and ope didn't. They joined when they were 17 with barely any gun practice, no practice with dangerous situations or anything. They adjusted as they needed to. That girl has already earned that patch in my opinion. When the clubhouse was attacked last month she shot them all, knocked them out and got the information out of them that we needed. All by herself".

The tension in the room had went down not by a lot, Clay spoke up again catching the attention of the rest of the men of the room. "Chibs, Tig, what do you think?". "Aye brother you already know what I think. That lass is smart as a whip, she's deserves a chance lads" looking around the room he looked into the eyes of piney. Piney looked at chibs "I agree man, but she the princess around here theres no way we can train her and treat her like a daughter at the same time". Tig had been quite for the entire time thinking of a plan "What if she doesn't prospect here?" He said looking at clay.

Clay thought for a moment "What like Tacoma ?". Bobby shook his head "that wouldn't work either they're to close to her, we all know how big of a softie Quinn is". Jax looked up a plan in his mind "Uncle Robert in South Carolina is been wanting in the club for a while. What if she prospect there for a while then comes back?". The men nodded their heads in agreement.

Clay sighed "South Carolina is over 3,000 miles away. She wouldn't be able to visit, she wouldn't be anywhere near us to check in".
Clay was worried for his little girl, It was far away he wouldn't be able to make sure she was safe as much as he wanted. The South Carolina chapter was somewhat rougher than what the SAMCRO boys were used to. The South had more white supremacists, more gang activity.
Tig spoke up "It will be rough for her I won't lie, but it's the best way to see if she in for long time or just for the patch". "What happens if she backs out ?" Bobby said looking around the table at clay.

Clay puffing on his cigar deep in thought, Jax looked at Bobby "Then she won't be in the club as simple as that, she waits till she back in charming til she gets any ink and Robert check in with us when he decides she's ready for her top-rocker".

The pieces of the puzzle were fitting in nicely, she would go away for a while, visit when she could she would have to prove to Robert the president of SAMSC. Robert was known as a hard-ass, he was a large man who was hard to please. He went through prospects as quickly as he went through women.

The second he saw hesitantion, weakness or anything that was close to getting the club in trouble there was nothing you could do to stop him. He was a ex-miltary leader. He was a man that everyone was either afraid of, hated, or enived. "Does that make you clear up your worries piney?"

The man next to him spoke. "Yes it actually does Tig, If she can get through Robert she can get through anything". Robert was an old friend of J.T, Piney and Clay. He was one of the first nines, one of the first club enforcers also. Clay nodded finally accepting the fact that his girl was a woman, she would get through Robert he had no worries about that.

He had raised her a son, people in the club knew that, many giving him shit for not letting Gemma take over. She had protected many people, patched people up when needed, never asked questions, she was a perfect candidate. He often talked to her about what went on in the club life, the good and bad.

Everyone had, she was already treated as a son patch or not. "What about the backlash about her being a female?" Bobby spoke a look of anger across his face. Jax chuckled looking at him with a teasing smirk "then you write their names down on her shit list that way when she comes back she knows who to show off too". The men chuckled remembering how Blair would go after anyone who questioned her and make them look stupid.

She had broke many arms, noses and jaws of men or women who disrespected her fathers way of raising her. She was one hellfire after all. Clay looked up finally ashing his cigar "Alright all in for the vote of Blair prospecting with SAMSC for two years then transferring to SAMCRO". The men looked around the room smiling and nodded as the raised their arms. Their princess- soon to be brother would be just fine.
Chibs pounded on the table in excitement as all of his brothers voted yes. Piney grabbed his arms as Clay looked at him "She's going to hear you, we can't let her know we voted yes yet".

Jax smirked knowing they would be stoned faced, he never passed up a moment to fuck with his sister. They would stay stone faced with no emotion to get under her skin, make her a little nervous before breaking her with new news. They had always done it that way, just to be assholes about it. It was fun. Tig stood up "I'll go get her", Clay quickly spoke up. " No let Jax do it, that will make her more nervous than anything".

Chuckling Tig sat back down as Jax walked to the chapel doors turning his smirk into a stone cold face. Speaking loudly he looked at his sister who was standing with juice looking nervous already. "We're ready for you"

Woman of Mayhem SOAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora