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The sound of silence was tense and thick around the room as everyone looked at everyone with some knowing faces. 

Piney looked up from the glass in his hands with a smirk "Told you" he chuckled and looked at me. I was shocked at first but realized everyone was smiling or smirking at me. "You guys guessed already?" I was shocked I was ready to for crazy looks and maybe some anger. Bobby spoke up " Babygirl from the time you were a kid you would end up asking". Looking at my dad he nodded "its not a shock buttercup he have actually talked about it before".

Looking down for a min I tried to process it, was I being worried for no reason? He spoke again "You have been raised on club stuff babygirl. Between fighting, shooting practice I mean I have trusted you with a gun for well over a year. You know how the club works. You need to prove you have enough  for this club". I smiled from ear to ear I spoke up quickly "are you telling me your going to give me a chance ??" Smiling at Tig, Jax and chibs before smiling at him. Piney spoke up "Clay if she she prospects here theres no way we can not favor her. We would be to soft on her". My heart dropped at his words, it sounded like he was going to shot it down. Damn piney always turning shit negative.

I looked at my dad who was deep in thought lighting a large cigar. Jax spoke up defending me "We can't let that stop us from giving her a chance, we all focussed on the pros & cons and agreed that we would".

I gave him a hand squeeze to calm him I know how he could get angry quickly when it came to me. Chibs spoke up "there's got to be something we can do". I looked up around the room everyone was in deep in thought. "Babygirl why don't you step out of the room so we can figure this out" my dad said looking at me. Smiling at everyone getting some smiles back I stepped out church.
Heart beating super fast I walked into someone. Juice looked at me wide eyed and quickly drug me over to the bar. "Your going to join the club?" He said surprised "I don't know there trying to thinking of a fair way for me to prospect since there biased". He looked at me bewildered "I thought they didn't let women into the club" I smiled at him "Maybe it's time to chance that, apparently they had been talking about me joining for a while". Finally smiling at me he hugged me and congratued me holding me at arm's length. "I'm so proud of you for having the balls to ask, I know how it can be. I think you would be great in  the club. Plus we could hang out more since you would be prospect with me" he removed his arms shyly slightly blushing. "I-I mean if you would want to I mean it would be up to you of course".

He was so cute. "Thank you juice hopefully they let me if not I'm going to be pretty upset I have had my heart set on this for years". He smiled at me with those dimples of his, "Oh I bet they will let you. They always talk about you, your pretty much one of us now, you'll fit in".
Hugging him again me hopes going up after hearing that what he had said. He was right I always hung out with them, I had "my first beer" & "my first shot" with them.
They talked to me about almost everything I did everything to make them happier. Wether it be a shoulder to cry on, advice giver, baking them sweets, cooking dinner for them just helping in everyway I could.  Realising how long was I was hugging juice for, I was the one to shyly pull away I noticed. "Sorry I'm just really jittery" he smiled at me and said not to worry about it. "Even if they don't say yes, we will always view you as a member un-officially or not".

Leaning closer to me he closed his eyes. He was going to kiss me. Did I want this? Should I got for this? I found myself smiling and leaning toward also. The sound of the church doors opening made us jump apart. It had been a good 10 mins Blushing I turned to see Jax looking at me with a blank face "We're ready for you".

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