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Dear Jason,

It's definitely been a long day.

I watched a video today about how to make your life better because the thing I need right now is encouragement from a stranger who talks to a camera for a living a.k.a a youtuber who I watch often.

The video taught me eight things that I will probably never take on, except, it was nice to have the support to try.

1 - The things that we do, whether they are right or wrong, shape who we are.

This is my number one thing to remember from this video because, I mess up a lot Jason and it's nice to know that there is a theory as to why I do it. It is why I am who I am.

2 - Step out of your comfort zone and try new things that you don't know if you're going to like or not because you may find something you enjoy.

I hear this everywhere and it's something I get told a lot and I should take it on but you don't understand how hard it is when you don't like change. People tell me this all the time and I know I should take their advice but it's hard, you know? Sometimes it's easier to say than to do Jason and for me that is certainly true. I know I need to but it's hard. I will sometime however, not now.

3 - Go for it

Well, this won't happen. With my negative attitude for just about everything, I'll never go for things I want to for fear of being hurt or being let down.

4 - Don't listen to what others say, follow your own dreams.

Again, this is much easier said than it is done. It's hard not to matter about what others think of you even though you say and act like what they say doesn't bother you. It's hard, isn't Jason?

5 - Change can only come from you

We both know I hate change. If change is going to happen, the last person it would come from would be me.

6 - Live in the moment

I agree here, I'm always on my phone but I can't help it. I have no one else who wants to live the moment with me. How am I supposed to seize the day when everyone is absorbed in social media or their own lives to even notice me?

7 - Don't give up

Sometimes, Jason, it's hard to keep going especially when you know there is no point. Why would I keep trying if the thing I'm trying to achieve is going to be bad for me or is not going to result in something good?

8 - Set goals and challenge yourself

It's the comfort zone thing again. It's never going to happen.

Maybe I shouldn't listen to others telling me how to live my life, however, on the other hand. Maybe I should.

Today has been a long day. I couldn't think straight at college. My mind was hyperactive and all I wanted to do was to talk, laugh and dance instead. I could not concentrate no matter how hard I tried.

I'm not too sure why I'm so happy today because there is nothing coming up soon that is making me excited.

So all in all Jason, I've had a good day.

And by the way - it rained again.

A lot.

From, Rosie.

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